Message from @SlavManlet-NC
Discord ID: 420687960032280583
@Hadrian I am well aware of what occurred, I was present. Please don't say things about people getting charged for X and Y unless you are 100% on the truth of your statement.
Got it
I don't even understand how they have him as resisting. The only time he "resisted" was before they even came up to him. How can you get resisting arrest when you haven't even officially started being arrested yet.
I'd imagine that's something for the lawyers to handle now
They decided to arrest him when he was talking to them after he made it past antifa. They probably told him to leave, and he probably said no, this is my event and I have a 1st amendment right to be here, and then they arrested him on a felony According to 7a
That's what it looked like on camera
Johan kept pulling him off
Gotta know when to fold em I guess
All fucking cops are fucking bastards
>Communists want this
This is a wholesome image
Accept my FR
quality family fun here in TWP
I'm gonnagive you access to something to help you doxx Antifa
RagBat; he was with us in Knoxville
I can vouch for him being solid
retards and feds are equally dangerous to have around
I'm making @Mai better at doxxing
He's encouraging my obsessive behavior.
I used to be pretty good at it, years ago
Okay. I absolutely have to clean my house, eat and get something to drink before I die. If I sit here much longer I'm going to lose the use of my legs and probably get blood clots.
If I comment in here anytime in the next 2-3 hours, bully me.
@Vice Commander Hunt it would have been cool if TWP had a counter intelligence team inside the Antifa mob with spy level audio and vid surveillance
@antagonizer we don't fit in with antifa haha
one of VA's guys used to, but he actually became nazbol lol @antagonizer
that's what happens when you stare into the abyss too long
Obviously lot's of us are known to Antifa but I'd like to see a group start catching up to them as far as field intelligence and infiltration goes.
They got me on tape a Charlottesville. Hidden camera
This guy was behind our lines with a hidden camera
Lol chef just made that on my laptop