Message from @Son of Rome

Discord ID: 658850996503576587

2019-12-24 01:49:28 UTC  


2019-12-24 01:52:26 UTC  

How do you get blood cancer?

2019-12-24 01:52:38 UTC  


God decides he needs a new Angel.

2019-12-24 01:54:52 UTC  

`No wonder your wife left you`

2019-12-24 01:54:59 UTC  


2019-12-24 01:55:08 UTC  

May she rest in peace โœ๏ธ

2019-12-24 01:55:18 UTC  

also i don't use reddit

2019-12-24 01:55:22 UTC  

so no, no r/atheism for me

2019-12-24 01:55:35 UTC  

plus most fedora tippers are peak cringe

Just keep in mind

You have to believe in God

2019-12-24 01:56:15 UTC

2019-12-24 01:56:28 UTC  

54 by 40

cus if you believe in him

Broo will get to punch him in the face

2019-12-24 01:57:56 UTC  

I dont think that's allowed king

2019-12-24 01:58:02 UTC  

But he'd probably understand

2019-12-24 01:58:28 UTC  

Take solace in the fact you'd be able to spend an eternity with her

2019-12-24 01:58:37 UTC  

My fellow kings one should never resort to violence unless they violate your property rights

2019-12-24 01:58:38 UTC  

Instead of getting caught up on how she left

2019-12-24 02:00:39 UTC oh shit sorry to hear that man, I didnโ€™t read the above messages.

2019-12-24 02:01:43 UTC  

Well, they obviously donโ€™t follow the tenants of stoicism

2019-12-24 02:01:55 UTC  

The holocaust was the Jew's punishment for abandoning God and treating germans as 2nd class citizens in their own country

2019-12-24 02:02:41 UTC  

โ€œThe Jewsโ€ yeah the children were totally doing so aswell you mong

2019-12-24 02:02:56 UTC  

why we talking about juice again

2019-12-24 02:03:00 UTC  

just drink your juice and be happy

2019-12-24 02:03:01 UTC  

<:pepe_sad:560202541904953365> they bore me

2019-12-24 02:03:14 UTC  

your mother was nice enough to pour it for you and everything

2019-12-24 02:03:36 UTC  

Certified based

Bible Bashers smh

2019-12-24 02:03:45 UTC  

Weed is for fags

2019-12-24 02:03:53 UTC  

Real men do crystal

2019-12-24 02:03:59 UTC  


2019-12-24 02:04:24 UTC  

Real men try to live a virtuous life and not be detritus

2019-12-24 02:04:54 UTC  

`โ€œThe Jewsโ€ yeah the children were totally doing so aswell you mong`
everyone's a child at some point >_>

2019-12-24 02:04:59 UTC  


2019-12-24 02:05:04 UTC  

Yes and?

2019-12-24 02:05:05 UTC  

<:Deus_Think:505447701589000192> Real men go on a Crusade and brind back the SPICE