Message from @Until_Valhalla

Discord ID: 668651469452607508

Making us criminals

2020-01-19 20:09:03 UTC  

Any estimate on how many guns are gonna be there

And the police loooove to make arrests

2020-01-19 20:09:08 UTC  

For the rally

More than the officers, I'd bet

2020-01-19 20:13:13 UTC  

I'd guess that at worst we get a Boston Massarce or Bloody Sunday kinda deal. Not enough to spark an actual conflict but enough to piss people off

2020-01-19 20:15:47 UTC  

I think if anyone gets shot it will spark national policies and/or registration/confiscation at the least

2020-01-19 20:47:23 UTC  

Any officers participating in that shit are fuck bags anyways. I'm LEO and fuck that. I'm sticking to my oath.

2020-01-19 20:54:18 UTC  

I want to be a LEO and fuck that

2020-01-19 20:57:14 UTC  

I used too. But honestly fuck it now.

2020-01-19 20:57:33 UTC  

I’d get fired for not violating my oath

2020-01-19 21:17:21 UTC  

I know cops get a lot of hate but most are trying to just make a living.

2020-01-19 21:19:19 UTC  

I just couldn’t do it anymore. With all the bullshit. There are plenty out there who would enforce these unconstitutional laws because of a psyche k

Unfortunately a lot of cops are willing to do fuck shit just for that living

Like a lot of paramedics only see their job as a wage, which is fucked. These careers are way more than a wage

2020-01-19 22:37:27 UTC  

I truly want to maintain law and order while attempting to improve the community I work in, but at the same time if they want me to enforce a law that breaks another law I would have to refuse as I have too much respect for the Constitution and myself to break it.

2020-01-20 01:56:30 UTC  

I hold skepticism over cops and sheriffs because I wonder if they'll value their paychecks and pensions over the constitution

2020-01-20 01:57:05 UTC  

I guess we'll see in VA if they'll back down and cave into Northam's demands

A lot are stepping up, and seeing that makes me hopeful

2020-01-20 02:58:47 UTC  

@Yoda'sTightAss sounds like you are you ever use probable cause? If so, without a specific warrant, you violate the 4th...cops violate all kinds of rights all kinds of ways, simply because it's policy...most of it isn't even law...

2020-01-20 03:02:13 UTC  

Everyone's done some fuck shit

2020-01-20 03:02:18 UTC  

I'm not a cop, I want to go into it, probable cause has been deemed constitutional by the United States supreme Court in several cases, it's kind like how people think a cop can't ask you to get in or out of a vehicle but due to the Pennsylvania VS Mims ruling an officer can ask someone to get in or out of the vehicle

2020-01-20 03:02:53 UTC  

If you've ever been to prison or worked in one you'd see fuck shit

2020-01-20 03:03:55 UTC  

I disagree...the 4th is very clear...probable cause AND specific warrant naming people, places, and things subject to search and seizure...a court just ruled the gun ban for tomorrow in VA was good? So is it right?

2020-01-20 03:04:17 UTC  

Slavery was legal...segregation was legal...killing Jews was legal...

2020-01-20 03:04:23 UTC  

Which court

2020-01-20 03:04:43 UTC  

And yeah, it was, no longer is

2020-01-20 03:04:49 UTC  

Post proof in current events

2020-01-20 03:05:19 UTC  

Not sure what level court, but it was brought up probably in circuit or appeals level after said they didn't have enough info to rule on it and let it stand

2020-01-20 03:06:06 UTC  

Yoda seems to like the taste of leather to me....

2020-01-20 03:06:08 UTC  

Also I believe rulings pertaining to federal law (the Constitution) should only be ruled on by federal courts, state courts have no business in federal law

2020-01-20 03:07:25 UTC  

This was VA supreme court...posting article in current events

2020-01-20 03:08:01 UTC  

I believe they should all stay the hell out of it

2020-01-20 03:08:04 UTC  

woah woah let's cool it

2020-01-20 03:08:30 UTC  

I'll give it a read, but that court is probably stacked with the governor's scumbag donors

2020-01-20 03:09:24 UTC  

Right, so if this court can be on the wrong side, what's to say the supreme court isn't on ruling about probable cause...the bill of rights spells it out very plain...

2020-01-20 03:10:07 UTC  

The only ruling needed regarding the constitution was done the day it was signed...all else beyond that is an infringement

2020-01-20 03:11:07 UTC  

I might argue 13 was pretty good

2020-01-20 03:11:15 UTC  

and the bill of rights

2020-01-20 03:11:19 UTC  

The Constitution is vauge and dated, we need people with a firm understanding of the law to interpret it so our rights are not infringed by the government or by those the law is supposed to protect us from

2020-01-20 03:12:36 UTC  

That makes sense...but the constitution is no there to guarantee or protect our is there as a dire warning to any participants in government that would trample our has been the case for a long time