Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 402759278697381888
NSM saved lives at Cville, people were surrounded and NSM broke the wall.
You can chill at the beach haha
NSM might be bad impressions, but they back their shit up.
They have alot of hardcore types.
prison etc.
Nsm is a good niche group
For the types you said but they got heart
Oh so did Antifa try to kill you there
No I mean at Cville
Dude cvill was a shit show antifa ran wild
I was nor there though
Sville and Memphis.
I met you in shelby
Antifa only got that far because of police collaboration IMO
Ah yeah, whats your name again?
Berkeley was lit
Are you Ryan?
Na Curtis I came down with Ryan
And regret hauling klevs ass around
Love how Nathan Damigo rescued some Hispanic dude while in Berkeley but no one ran the news
Kleve started dating this girl he met at Sville, i did the church demonstration with Kleve.
IE guy using working class for there own good
Yeah, all IE i have met are dicks and useless college babies spare 2
But yeah, Virginia is a commie shithole
The guy in the suit jacket at Sville was cool.
It's the 2nd time a right wing rally happens in a left wing state
Funny dan bitched about our optics but let his fat girlfriend wear her nazi sweater
A big one I mean
I never did get his name seemed alright
He wanted into her folds later that night.