Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 402760125988732928
Sville and Memphis.
I met you in shelby
My buddies went to Cville.
Antifa only got that far because of police collaboration IMO
Ah yeah, whats your name again?
Berkeley was lit
Are you Ryan?
Na Curtis I came down with Ryan
And regret hauling klevs ass around
Love how Nathan Damigo rescued some Hispanic dude while in Berkeley but no one ran the news
Kleve started dating this girl he met at Sville, i did the church demonstration with Kleve.
IE guy using working class for there own good
Yeah, all IE i have met are dicks and useless college babies spare 2
But yeah, Virginia is a commie shithole
The guy in the suit jacket at Sville was cool.
It's the 2nd time a right wing rally happens in a left wing state
Funny dan bitched about our optics but let his fat girlfriend wear her nazi sweater
A big one I mean
I never did get his name seemed alright
He wanted into her folds later that night.
Lol Dan was Mad I would not give her the bed
I like how people like trying to make decisions about groups they have never done anything with.
Hang out with the people before making decisions.
TWP had the friendliest, best guys and the most comradery.
More NSM
Not to try minding your business, but IMO you should do demonstrations only in right wing states for now
Twp is best group right now and the IE guys and talking heads are crying because they don't hold light
Going in the enemies territory gets us spot light and gets antifa to act stupid
All the normies in our red state hate them
Yeah but you risk state collaboration like Cville
Yeah, like at Cville, IE got a stand down order, not to help NF members in the fighting.
Understood but some risk comes with revolution though I can only risk so much
Another fact is that Cville was announced months before the actual event
IE are pompous cucks
So Deep State got time to prepare. Berkeley was like 1 month before