Message from @Geamr

Discord ID: 473126769583456256

2018-07-29 13:50:26 UTC  

Oh no I agree

2018-07-29 13:50:47 UTC  

Libertarianism has its limits I’m not a full-on hardcore libertarian

2018-07-29 13:51:06 UTC  

I actually hate those people

2018-07-29 13:51:30 UTC  

Radical libertarianism is essentially as bad as anarcho capitalism

2018-07-29 13:51:33 UTC  

so what then, actually more of a liberal/libertarian hybrid?

2018-07-29 13:51:48 UTC  

what would even be the difference there

2018-07-29 13:51:49 UTC  

in the end

2018-07-29 13:51:54 UTC  

I mean yeah I’d say so

2018-07-29 13:52:36 UTC  

its weird, can't really put libertarianism left of liberal but not really right of it either

2018-07-29 13:52:44 UTC  

it sort of forks away it seems

2018-07-29 13:52:45 UTC  

Well libertarianism is my main guiding philosophy but I also acknowledge it has its limits so I’m willing to impose regulations and laws to make sure society doesn’t crumble under it

2018-07-29 13:53:06 UTC  

so that's basically the neocon status quo

2018-07-29 13:53:35 UTC  

Well see all neocons describe themselves that way

2018-07-29 13:53:49 UTC  

But they’re all authoritarians

2018-07-29 13:54:16 UTC  

so how would your libertarian structure avoid authoritarianism to enforce the regulations neccessary?

2018-07-29 13:54:21 UTC  

They use that as a pretense to create a surveillance state

2018-07-29 13:54:54 UTC  

yeah i suppose the neocon state of affairs has slipped pretty deep down that rabbit hole in the past decade or two

2018-07-29 13:55:11 UTC  

something that is really concerning to me actually

2018-07-29 13:55:19 UTC  

Yeah definitely

2018-07-29 13:56:33 UTC  

but then you're basically saying that all that your libertarian state would have to rely on principle alone to avoid that kind of stuff?

2018-07-29 13:56:52 UTC  

i mean the world surrounding you will eventually force your hand in that regard in my opinion

2018-07-29 13:57:46 UTC  

When I say I’m a libertarian I mean that in a broad sense

2018-07-29 13:58:07 UTC  

I’d more consider myself in line with libertarian conservative

2018-07-29 13:58:40 UTC  

yeah i understand that but just going from the basics of small government but all the neccessary bells and whistles of modern global capitalism, with an ideological commitment to personal rights and stuff, is that about accurate?

2018-07-29 13:59:09 UTC  

Well what exactly do you mean when you say rely on principle

2018-07-29 13:59:49 UTC  

i mean libertarianism places a deep focus on individual rights, more so than traditional conservaties, so i assumed that's where you split with them?

2018-07-29 13:59:51 UTC  

And also yeah thats about accurate

2018-07-29 14:00:07 UTC  

Yeah seems accurate

2018-07-29 14:00:27 UTC  

I do tend to disagree with traditional conservatives somewhat

2018-07-29 14:01:01 UTC  

lol anyone in their right mind should

2018-07-29 14:01:07 UTC  

But I’d say libertarian economically and social issues is a mixed bag

2018-07-29 14:01:59 UTC  

Although on most social issues I really don’t think it’s up to the state to enforce that

2018-07-29 14:02:10 UTC  

i'd say libertarian economics are like lighting the fuse of the bomb we're all sitting on called capitalism

2018-07-29 14:02:49 UTC  

Yeah I get that that’s generally the consensus of socialists

2018-07-29 14:03:09 UTC  

The next step after capitalism inevitably collapses

2018-07-29 14:03:19 UTC  

Which hey it might happen

2018-07-29 14:03:48 UTC  

I don’t see it happening though and if it does happen it will be because of state overreach and intervention

2018-07-29 14:04:21 UTC  

State intervention has always been the most powerful tool in preserving the capitalist status quo

2018-07-29 14:04:26 UTC  

I’m not one to denounce socialists because marxists for example actually have some good arguments

2018-07-29 14:05:16 UTC  

Generally speaking less intervention in the economy works better but what you say is true

2018-07-29 14:05:51 UTC  

Politicians have been putting regulation after regulation as bandages for the damages caused by former regulations