Message from @PugSlugger
Discord ID: 493890622793711627
ddlb is good
lol the IRPGF disbanded
cringe and bluepilled
No its not good
its degenerate
it is though
i know from experience
Many people experience degeneracy
Many go in denial
I know from observation
"MUH DIK!!!" - every African-American individual
THey have all said that exact sentence.
i’m african
Surprise surprise.
A black guy thinking the third world is better while pretending to be smart
>africans are black
i’ll take brainlet takes for 600 alex
Ooga booga nigger
I dare you to kick me out of this stupid server yall niggas are fucking gay bitches
How'd you get here
I didn't put a invite in tazers server did I
I highly doubt you're white.
And I never said africans are black
I said stupid people are, of course there's the south african white folks
Im joking but seriously
I highly doubt you're south african
south african whites are really good people
Zoomers are degenerates
Gay snitch
Now you ain't gonna get no bitches
but snitches get bitches
No they dont
they get in jail and raped by tyrone in the showers