Message from @ZeDwiver
Discord ID: 366042559245582337
@Thomas Ryan member the "strangle the snake of communism " poster?
Favorite of all time
I disagree, but you have shown excellent judgement on these things in the past. Besides, we can always just change it if we want to later.
Don't remind me.
that's a serious fucking war flag
ok, i'm done
@Thomas Ryan why is it not worth the explicit reference in your opinion
Didn't TJ same something about, "will not perish from this earth".... can't remember the quote but it would trigger shitlibs in the current year, guaranteed
just asking out of curiousity
@ZeDwiver like the old confederacy, we could have a gov flag, and a battle flag. the one i posted can be a 14-star battle flag. war boner.
i like
Because David Lane's recent, in the grand scheme of American history, slogan doesn't define America as a nation, and as a people.
fair enough
It defines my life's work.
The concept/the exact slogan
i look at the 14 words as a culmination of what the US was originally about but, again, thats just my opinion
Everything I do. The job I work, the pistol I carry, the food I cook, the money I invest, the activism... everything.
I actually spent like 30 minutes in this conversation trying to incorporate the stripes into a southern cross for maximum autism, but it looked terrible
If I changed it to "We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for our posterity" does it change the meaning? Does it change the overall concept? If you said you believed in a 15 worded slogan would it make you a civic nationalist?
I've sent it straight to hell
Do you not agree with the statement I just wrote because it isnt a commonly known slogan?
It's a total cuck statement.
lol jk
also a fair point
We can add "Gas the kikes race war now" into a little floating banner
to avoid cucking
The slogan does not define the concept of tribalism without any other statement doing justice.
Well, yeah, but 14 words is well known. It's highly militant, yet the content is quite even-keeled.
I want our flag to be something that could fly over a nation and be timeless. Fascism is militant, and it's in the symbol. The 13 stars was a symbol of insurrectionists and revolutionaries, it's militant, it's in there.
it's a good flag man. we are just having an autist discussion.
The stars, the fasces, the stripes, they're all intangibly bound to American history.
I'm not upset, I'm just drawing the distinction between overall cultural concepts that define America, and colloquialisms that are great, and I agree with, but not something to wrap a nation in.
906 pm is real autism hours.
I don't think it's a mere 'colloqualism.' I think it's a guiding philosophy. It makes the nation explicitly white. The 13 colonies reference does not. They were white... but it really only implies it. The civic nationalist would tell you that dot Indians could have pulled off the Boston Tea Party.
It reminds me of that maxim "any non-profit which isn't explicitly conservative, soon becomes liberal." In this day, any nation not explicitly white, turns brown.
The 14 words did not invent the concept of tribalism, it existed before they were coined. Also, remember, there's a fasces there. The symbol of quite literal Fascism. Strength through unity, unity through blood.
There we go