Message from @Offender

Discord ID: 535458840716640291

2019-01-17 00:45:33 UTC  

you even have a trace on you in a catogory of threat or what not

2019-01-17 00:45:52 UTC  

if you have read it true any of the institutes, they know you have seen it

2019-01-17 00:46:16 UTC  

just tell me please 😄

2019-01-17 01:13:09 UTC  

אני מצטער

2019-01-17 02:12:39 UTC  

mkay , let me google translate that

2019-01-17 02:13:03 UTC  

didnt watch it, just thought the title was funny

2019-01-17 05:02:46 UTC  

we are all equal except for the state officials, comrades

2019-01-17 05:02:55 UTC  

benevolent bot programmed to perfection, bless the state

2019-01-17 05:05:52 UTC
The Federal Reserve conjuring money out of thin air and giving it to 'minorities' caused the 2008 financial crisis.
This event was the greatest redistribution of wealth in history, along arbitrary racial lines at that.
And they still keep doing it to this day. "Loan affirmative action", aka race-based wealth redistribution turbo-communist style.
You can't call yourself 'informed' if you heard about this and didnt look into it, so watch this report or admit you're totally ignorant about politics, business, and everything else.
Not only did they cause people with money they actually earned to lose their homes and cash because 'minorities' were driving up the prices with conjured money,
but they crashed the stock market further destroying the investments of hard working people who actually earned what they had.
If you wholeheartedly believe this was some kind of accident, that this wasn't planned from beginning to end, there's no other way to put it, you're a fucking retard.
Learn how the world really works. The central bank funnels money into businesses that help its social engineering agenda, and drives the rest out of business with regulation, lawfare, etc.
They make sure that greed always works in their favor.
This will never end until we take up arms and depose the central bank. They're going to use this power to kill us all, it will make the past communist death toll a drop in the ocean.

` not that jew terrorist group`
That is why I always call the terrorists **ISIL** as a form of respect to the Egyptian goddess. @Adolf Hitler

Feel free to call them Daesh too.

2019-01-17 12:58:28 UTC  
2019-01-17 13:24:36 UTC

2019-01-17 13:37:16 UTC  


2019-01-17 13:59:57 UTC  

All the homeless people in LA are getting rained on

2019-01-17 14:02:15 UTC  

Did you know that isil is created by the jews

2019-01-17 14:02:38 UTC  

oot is to fulfill the prophecy of the edom ppl being bred with the ishmeal ppl

2019-01-17 14:02:55 UTC  

you know with that massive refugee flow that is being pushed

2019-01-17 14:03:32 UTC  

the new offspring will start the war of raptuere or some shit

2019-01-17 14:03:43 UTC  

after they have outbred the natives

2019-01-17 14:06:11 UTC  

@Offender did you know youre retarded?

2019-01-17 14:07:51 UTC  

I heard ISIL had sex with your mom

2019-01-17 14:27:55 UTC  

I heard Corbyn was gonna make being straight illegal and give all the money to brown people

2019-01-17 14:28:47 UTC  

And did you see that video where he was like "Yes I love Venezuela and I will rule Britain like Mega Stalin"

2019-01-17 14:34:27 UTC  

@PugSlugger all but the isil stuff is in the torah

2019-01-17 14:35:15 UTC  

How does it feels to have isil as your daddy pug?

2019-01-17 15:08:35 UTC  
2019-01-17 15:09:16 UTC  

the migration in to europe is to fulfill the torah

2019-01-17 15:41:01 UTC  

Red Dead Redemption 2 was spoken of in Revelations

2019-01-17 15:41:32 UTC  

yes i understand .but the ancient egyptian gods have many names its just that the hellenized greek versions of their names is how most people refer to them by one of the main reasons for this is because one of the dynasties of the new kingdom era was the ptolemaic dynasty they were of macedonian greek origins all of the pharoahs of this family never learned the egyptian language demotic or hieroglyphics nor did they learn the traditions of the egyptians they remained greek in every single way .cleopatra was the last ruler of the ptolemaic dynasty she was the first pharoah of this dynasty to learn about the egyptian tradition and learn the egyptian language demotic or hieroglyphics i dont know .she had completely mastered the egyptian language she was able to speak it and write it she also knew how to speak like 6 other languages perfectly and she participated in the egyptian traditions for example the worship of the egyptian gods and learned about them and many other traditions of the egyptian people .the egyptian gods have many many names as you can see from the sources below .this jewish terrorist group isil has had many name changes they are more well known as i.s.i.s the abbreviation stands for israeli secret intellligence service .and this is why i believe its best to just call them isis as it reveals who they really are and who they work for when you find out what the abbreviation really means .the mainstream media from time to time mention them by many names(the main reason they do this is to trick the stupid ignorant people

2019-01-17 15:41:33 UTC  

into believing these are many groups when in reaity it is just one terrorist group) as rebels,revolutionaries,islamic state,al qaeda,etc .they have been known to do this type of thing of erasing the history of many things here are some examples .the wwe creating a wrestle group called thee nwo(nwo is an abbreviation it means new world order) and one of the effects this has is when someone is researching to see if the new world order is a real project by the elites they will get the search results about the wwe group called nwo .and we know the new world order or how i call it jew world order because its more accuarate is a real thing many presidents of the usa have talked about creating a new world order in their speeches and many elite jews have talked about it .then theres elon musks tesla company the effects are the same as the previous example .attempting to erase from history the name nikola tesla i dont know the term for this the closest thing i got was whitewashing .this is what they have done with this jew terrorist group by calling it isis ._.

2019-01-17 15:41:56 UTC  

Yea let me just read all that crazy and not stupid stuff right now