Лт. Бакугоу Катсуки (казненный)

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The most functional and efficient form of socialism is that the government entices people to work in exchange for social benefits.

The most functional and efficient form of socialism is that the government entices people to work in exchange for social benefits.
Is this agreeable?

A play on Sukarno's Guided Democracy

Well, PragerU spews out bull most of the time but I guess they are right when they say "Work Sets You Free".

And I want to expound it with Kennedy's quote, "...Ask what you can do to your country."

So, for me, it would be "Work sets you free, and you can help your country".

I think I sound like a Marhaenist now.

@ᵈˢʳ✪ even the Palestinian Left and the Arab Socialist movement believe in the Zionist conspiracy as leftists.

I have to agree with the Arab Left on the stand of Zionism.

Jewish folks are fine. It's the Zionists who f*cked up the world.

And so is the Christian Right in America.

Dominionists are f*cking hypocrites.

They say we need more Deus Vult to protect us from Allah Ackbar, but in a way, they already did the latter's job for them.

@PugSlugger and hey, I was talking of personalities like Gaddafi, Assad, and Arafat when I said "Arab Left".

Alt-Left (e.g. Palestinian Marxist activist): "Zionist Israel is US Imperialist puppet! Free Palestine!"
Alt-Right (e.g. White Supremacist): "USA is run by Zionist Jews! Long live the White Race!"

@Borzo So... where would the Palestinian Communist Party fall in?

@Borzo They are part of the PLO political coalition though.

@Borzo what if I told you.... the Soviet Union only faked her death?

A defector said so. He said that they would fake a collapse in the 80s.

*" Unlike current PC system of the West , soviet system was stimulating the best to go further, not to drag the idiots up. They was filtered along the way and channeled to simplier occupations. Teachers was concentrated on best students more to push them further in life as oppose to worst."*

Random quote on Quora.

Everything in December 25, 1991 is a ruse

Since ot was mentioned in a youtube comment.

@Adolf Hitler well, look at your name also. You and your old guard are kinda good, but your modern day followers are ignorantly retarded.

Those retards of their grain also killed Yugoslavia.

Tuđman and Milošević are no different from the alt-right of today.

And CIA also had a hand on killing Yugo.

Anyone who uses the narrative "Jews run the world, lets revolt to get rid of Satan's minions and prepare for Jesus' coming" is a bloody retard.

Dominionists using anti-Semitic rhetoric to curry the Right.

One example of those theocratic twats is Smoloko.

And I believe that the true European patriots are the neo-pagans.

The Rightists who want a Christian Europe are just wannabes.

Even a living SS veteran would laugh at the alt-right today.

Even Japanese statism made more sense than neo-"Nazi" Christian thought.

@Borzo Да, Товариш. Да. Give those goathumpers a taste of thetir own medicine.

The honest truth about China with her "Belt and Road Inititiative".


China is no longer like how Mao used to rule her.

Just using classical rhetoric for inanimate objects.

Inanimate things are usually adressed with feminine pronouns.

Allende, Assad, and soon, Duterte.


Bhutto was also a victim of illegal US intervention?

@Borzo credit the KGB. It was a contingency activated in 1991.

@Borzo "If we cannot destory them outside, we do it inside!"

And.... UC Berkeley professors are actually KGB sleepers activated on the fall of the USSR.

They prodeced the cancerous American left.

I don't know what the hell I am doing with my life....


I think someone might pick up this flag for a "United Front" or smth.

@Adolf Hitler so.... Marxism is just a run-to for stupid people, right?

Marxism is the wellspring of all communist movements...

But socialism has been older than Marxism.

@Adolf Hitler I may be commie but I have to agree with the anti-Zionist rhetoric of the CPRF.

Plus I'm actually Strasserist in practice.

Out-of-character from this nickname.

Anyone here know a linguistic server?

Preferably East Asian linguistics.

@Firefly Meh. Regulated market capitalism is safer.

So it won't slip into what we leftists call "corporatist plutocracy"

Uneducated folks always mistake capitalism and corporatism.

Maoists call them "reactionaries"; The populist right call them "oligarchs"

FYI, I'm actually SocNat in general.

Basically fanboying over folks like Sukarno, Tito, Strasser, and the like.

And the bad ones. But hey, the elite are the ones cucking us.

Hijacking the anti-system rhetoric for their "muh Christian values"

@Firefly An Indonesian political party... forgot the name but they espouse Marhaenism (Sukarno's school of political philosophy)

@Trajan the Prepuce Healer he's talking of wealthy people who own the means of economic production like factories, farms, banks...

Basically, my wick here is the commoners (middle class in cappiespeak).

Piss off the rich, you kiss their arse.
Piss off the poor, nobody cares.
Piss off the middle class.... not one traditional politician can stand a chance.

If you ruffle the like of Rotschild, Waltons, etc., you cannot do anything.

@Firefly I think I also have parallels with the Peruvian MRTA and the Kurdish Left.

Can just imagine if UKIP launches a coup and make Britain into Imperial Japan version 2.0

Сука Блять.... as the tankies say it.

@Adolf Hitler Even I, as a socialist, hate the Rotschilds. They are the prime examples of the "bourgoise", "reactionaries", and "fat capitalists" whom the revolutionaries, from Paris to Lenin to Mao, want to tie the noose on.

The American "Left" are just wannabes abusing the label of the revolutionary Left

Rotschilds, Radical Islam, and Christian cults? All sides of the same coin.

@Borzo Welcome, comrade. And you mean Zionist monsters.

What if I tell you, some Zionists dressed up in SS uniforms and slaughtered their own kin in the Holocaust to give Palestine a raison d'etre to be settled?

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