Message from @PugSlugger
Discord ID: 540539000503533569
im not a idiot who thinks that party politics isnt tribalism to avoid reall problems by fracturing populations
i dont have opinions, i have perceived facts
It seems you are, you brushed off @DA GOMMIE JOO's statements as Jewry
yeah because he was bring in a strawmen
did you even notice me explaining what the jewery was or were you not hearing that because of the victim rolling
he goes deep in to ground penatrating radar, when it doesnt matters as it was shown that the ground was not disturbed
I need to go get dinner, but, yes, j did see
but you werent smart enough to catch that
eat well
it is important for the brain activity
You too
you need it
Why are you being so rude?
im stating facts
you need any help you can get with your cognetal abilities
just trying to be helpfull and informative
Finally we got rid of the faggot posting the emoji
So anyway, how do i get a gf that will make me cookies with her pussy juice in them?
I mean love nectar
Oh boy
that cant be good, i wouldnt trust either of them. cant they just pick a guy with a large head and inteligent eyes from the crowd ? honestly they would be better of
i hate how i cant spell inteligent for shit
If i ever get any wishes from a genie i wouldnt ask for riches or world peace. i would ask for the ability to spell 😄
holy shit
obama isnt negroid , did you know that
check the father
dont forget his fraudulent birth certificate
i see resembalance
it further proves that all presidents are just puppets of the bankers and rothschilds
fuck a piece of paper, facial structures dont lie
its a huge puppet show
ow, the mother of obama is jewish
the venu guy looks like he is mixed race, and part jewsish
i would like to see his parrents as im like 99% sure that there is a fairly direct blood relation
just everything matches , then the father who was part south american