Message from @Offender
Discord ID: 540548635050508308
I mean love nectar
Fuck off nikist
Oh boy
that cant be good, i wouldnt trust either of them. cant they just pick a guy with a large head and inteligent eyes from the crowd ? honestly they would be better of
i hate how i cant spell inteligent for shit
If i ever get any wishes from a genie i wouldnt ask for riches or world peace. i would ask for the ability to spell 😄
holy shit
obama isnt negroid , did you know that
check the father
dont forget his fraudulent birth certificate
i see resembalance
it further proves that all presidents are just puppets of the bankers and rothschilds
fuck a piece of paper, facial structures dont lie
its a huge puppet show
ow, the mother of obama is jewish
the venu guy looks like he is mixed race, and part jewsish
just everything matches , then the father who was part south american
the always having fam bloodlines be the rulers
They just put a puppet in place over the oil there
watch the contracts for the drilling rights going out
the birth certificate thing is important because in order to qualify to be a usa president you must be born in the usa .the birth certificate says he was not born in the usa .it further proves that presidents are not elected they are selected
its an obvious puppet show
mhe, but having the cerificate doesnt excludes. well. yeah it might be that they dont as they are "free man "
and not a number in the system which is what a birth certificate binds you too
but even so it is easilly fact
so i dont think it is of importance. it is more then likely a smoke screen
or a set up for trump to give him attention pre running for pres
and michelle obama is not a a she but a he .hes a trap
you would think so right
What the fuck are you guys talking about?
the fact that the venu new assigned pres (by the eu) looks a lot like obamab
and aboma wasnt black