Discord ID: 351846583496867841
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Comrades, am I the only sailor here?
I'm thinking of starting a discord server
I just created it because I wasn't intending to so soon
I need to go to work
Hello comrades
I'm a partly edgy leftist and I support Guaido
@pingpong but you are here?
@Offender Why does it even matter? They are just as much people as anyone
You are the worst kind of Edgy. Edgy to make people upset and be a troll. You should be more understanding that there are funny edgy things that don't alienate others.
I don't. I dislike Islam. Not Muslims.
They were taught that way
It isnt their fault, it is their society's
I know 3 muslims. They are very honorable and good people
Dont dislike them because they are Muslim. Dislike them because they are a criminal
One of my old best friends in Junior High was a Black Muslim, she was very kind and I still look up to her
Why are there Anti Communists here even?
That's just being a dick for no reason
Who would do that?
I'm curious, why are you so rude? @Offender
@DA GOMMIE JOO Just stop, you arent changing his mind
He is baiting
If you ignore him he will go away
Why are you being so vulgar?
What is ใdogmaticใ๏ผ
I'm sorry?
English isnt my first language
Oh ok
I'm open to having my mind changed
To be honorable
I just dont see the point in trolling.
Are you a lefty or rightist open to an opinion change?
Why are you bringing up American things when you know I can't debate it as I don't live there
It seems you are, you brushed off @DA GOMMIE JOO's statements as Jewry
I need to go get dinner, but, yes, j did see
You too
Why are you being so rude?
cursed video
I'm feeling a bit depressed, can I vent to any of you
In that case
Germans are humans
I'm writing my views
58 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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