Message from @Golda Meir (People Unite)
Discord ID: 556146195974848563
If ur Jew u ain't a Zionist
And if ur a Zionist u ain't a jew
Every Jew I know is a zionist
Then there not jews
Lol you are so dumb
So by your logic
Blacks aren’t real
The only real blacks are the ones in the KKK
@Golda Meir (People Unite) why do you ppl always spin out in retardation?
@Sado how is Israel bad
Israel is a very cool place
Cos its zionist
I’m going there next year
Everybody who goes there loves it
@Golda Meir (People Unite) "I’m going there next year"
jew confirmed, bias found
You are a jew yourself lol
clearly you are
Stop projecting mr offenderstein
@Offender I did my ancestry
It said 0.00% Jewish
It was 90.8% British and Irish
what about religion you kike
Although my family is Christian
deceptifly talking about gentics when yopu stil worship zionists
i was just gone say that
that explains the hard on for jews
fuck you im the chosen ppl , bow to me you gentile
Just because someone likes Israel doesnt mean they are jewish or have any kind of bias.
fucking christ cucks man
@Nayf exactly
no you have your bias because you are a christ cuck
If you have read just good things about something
I just said I am not Christian