Message from @RoX
Discord ID: 556145281557856258
The UN always attacks Israel
(The Jewish State is Israel)
So tell me
If the “Jews own the world” how come the UN attacks them and Israel?
un rules the world?
Israel deserves to be attacked tho
Isreals is not a Jewish state
It is
No it is
75% Jewish
you dont know about america constantly vetoing anything against isreal?
It's a Zionist state
They even made a law about it recently
Zionism is not Judaism
Zionism isn’t Judaism but most Jews are Zionist. 99%.
Jews taught me a lot about Israel. It is very cool.
Israel is bad
And if ur a Zionist u ain't a jew
Every Jew I know is a zionist
Then there not jews
Lol you are so dumb
So by your logic
Blacks aren’t real
The only real blacks are the ones in the KKK
@Golda Meir (People Unite) why do you ppl always spin out in retardation?
@Sado how is Israel bad
Israel is a very cool place
Cos its zionist
I’m going there next year
Everybody who goes there loves it
@Golda Meir (People Unite) "I’m going there next year"
jew confirmed, bias found
You are a jew yourself lol
I’m not Jewish