Message from @Golda Meir (People Unite)
Discord ID: 556145510906462208
If the “Jews own the world” how come the UN attacks them and Israel?
un rules the world?
Israel deserves to be attacked tho
Isreals is not a Jewish state
It is
No it is
75% Jewish
you dont know about america constantly vetoing anything against isreal?
It's a Zionist state
They even made a law about it recently
Zionism is not Judaism
Zionism isn’t Judaism but most Jews are Zionist. 99%.
Jews taught me a lot about Israel. It is very cool.
Israel is bad
If ur Jew u ain't a Zionist
And if ur a Zionist u ain't a jew
Every Jew I know is a zionist
Then there not jews
So by your logic
Blacks aren’t real
The only real blacks are the ones in the KKK
@Golda Meir (People Unite) why do you ppl always spin out in retardation?
@Sado how is Israel bad
Israel is a very cool place
Cos its zionist
I’m going there next year
Everybody who goes there loves it
@Golda Meir (People Unite) "I’m going there next year"
jew confirmed, bias found
You are a jew yourself lol
I’m not Jewish
clearly you are
Stop projecting mr offenderstein
@Offender I did my ancestry
It said 0.00% Jewish