Message from @Victor MD
Discord ID: 412051880038891531
Check out these peak optics
We demo'd in Burlington, too.
Hope you had fun at Staples, dummy.
Someone tell her that.
Daquan is on it
That's, uh, a nice flag ya got there friend.
All this butt hurt just because of little Ol us.
We coulda taken 'em. It's all a bunch of stupid cunts.
There would be no purpose in that. They weren't even in our way.
We weren't going to go there in the first place.
They screeched in a random parking lot for an hour in the snow for no reason.
Did you specifically troll them to get them to show up for nothing?
@Victor MD It was all part of the plan, fam.
This guy is being a bit wierd.
This doesn't even look aesthetic, it just looks like my screens fucked up.
The hammer and sickle in the profile photo and the odd references to the Proud Boys are really throwing me off here, fam.
I didn't even notice that. This is a little bit... interesting.
Oh, and just as a reminder.
>add scanlines
Its fashwave now
Excellent job y'all
@everyone not trying to single anyone out. Just watch out for the guy next to you, including how he puts on his mask. Otherwise, this is a great photo.