Message from @VI/K/INGinnaTRENCH/K/OAT
Discord ID: 663475099906867211
How can I save that<:lol:554425196283559938> <:lol:554425196283559938>
@One Shot Paddy hilarious, but they be nuking servers for that stuff
like those exact clips
Wasn't this here before already?
Idk perhaps
but yeah, chill with that one event
The New Zealanders I sent it to enjoyed it
Bet, shit is funny. I loved the Doom edit too
Dm doom edit?
I only have call o booty
Dont have it. Was a few stills, and maybe a vid if I remember right
I might have it then
@thedarkness05 komi san
@thedarkness05 THICC
Now im gonna have to remember this shit every time I fire a gun
PP hard ngk
Bro what are all this memes ?
I cant explain memes in this day and age
They just are
This last one hurts
you get it or you dont
I get it, i just didnt understand the surge in this kind of mems