Discord ID: 448587219251363841
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You need an excuse to say nigger?
Khazar milkers
Make it a pcc then itd be worth it
That was john adams
And John Adams is based
Commies are of the chain
Same. The assumption they have of the auth right is laid out here.
Like 2% do 40%
Or 13% do 90%
Or 2% are 40%
Ben "burn the coal pay the toll" Garrison
Adolf Hitler, Mother Mary with the Holy Child Jesus Christ, 1913
You too homie
Not a pc gaymer. Did get asked if i was a smurf tho
Wrong tho. Ulfric wasnt in collusion
He wasnt controlled opposition just mutual oppostion
I prefer John Adams take on equality
Adolf Hitler, Weissenkirchen in the Wachau, (year unknown)
Was it good
Ok yankee scum
And look what came of it yankee
Its cuz yall freed em
And just the debt you yankees took was also for your souls
Not gonna take shit from yankees who sold their people to the banks with debt
Wouldnt be an issue if the south rose again
Sure you will yankee lmao
*laughs in huge civilian gun ownership*
Urbanites are a cancer
But hes no Mel Gibson
You cant get a surplus berreta in 32. Acp for less
There are quite a few poorfag options
32.acp is the smallest i would trust my life too heres a cheap 9mm if you don't mind the jewish shit
Yes i am
Its a joke about alt rightists being non white yet still preaching white pride
The joke to me is the alt right is a joke
Nah. Its just nigger
Bruh. Y'all are manlets.
Anyone under 6" is a manlet bois.
Still dont love it
Ah yes. Still cant afford it
The boog that probably wont happen
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