Message from @VI/K/INGinnaTRENCH/K/OAT
Discord ID: 664198635788959764
Wasn't this here before already?
Idk perhaps
but yeah, chill with that one event
The New Zealanders I sent it to enjoyed it
Bet, shit is funny. I loved the Doom edit too
Dm doom edit?
I only have call o booty
Dont have it. Was a few stills, and maybe a vid if I remember right
Oh shit
I might have it then
@thedarkness05 komi san
@thedarkness05 THICC
Now im gonna have to remember this shit every time I fire a gun
PP hard ngk
Bro what are all this memes ?
I cant explain memes in this day and age
They just are
This last one hurts
you get it or you dont
I get it, i just didnt understand the surge in this kind of mems
@thedarkness05 I'm glad someone saw that rifle
You know what dude, i support you. Stay far tf away from me.
aint my shit lmao
I sure fucking hope not