Message from @DustMustBust
Discord ID: 639935429545820160
Idk why i thought that was an actual person standing in a stupid way
I love that picture If you guys want to watch
Any of you fine gents play csgo?
I use to, dont really anymore
Wouldn't be worth the time to go and download it due to the amount of aimbotters on there, but if anyones got it installed i'll gladly play some rounds
@everyone just so you guys know we have a destiny 2 clan now so me up if your trying to join and mess around
Whats the last dlc they released for it
hmm ill have to redownload it. Anybody here play outer worlds
@Trash Squid ill hop on later tonifht
@Cam shadow keep
@DustMustBust love outer worlds so far
How far are you in it? I binged it but Im gonna do a second playthrough now that I know more about the game
Good lord, I'm only on monarch
I'm a side quest fiend though so I've done every sidequests available so far
@Trash Squid what system
You can save custom variations of your weapons. Raddd
Yea super gang
7 kills 25 deaths
World of warships blitz
just picked up R6S lets get it boyos
@everyone free games
Shenmue I & II: EE6K6-M0VJ5-C96RF
redeeable on steam