Message from @Papal_Legate_Poope
Discord ID: 613507636599586873
I kinda like it
My eyes are bleeding
Oh my fuck
What would yall consider for a first rifle? Something that will work but not too expensive.
Needs more guns
That's fucking hot
I'm sort of a newfag with AK's, and I'm looking at getting an ultimak gas block since its reversible. Anyone know which one will fit a sam7uf? Are they any good?
It's a fucking abomination is what it is
I agree
I want one of these. Idk why but the brown finish looks kinda cool
Isn't that the original AR15
Still though
yeah I can dig the brown too
I'm all about that matte black though. Just a good catch-all finish
practical, plus it just looks sexy af
Yeah real simple but still slick at
but then I'd also like to own a gold-plated Colt Python and be a stone cold faggo
my tastes vary
Yeah I’d also have a gold plated .45 with the Blessed Virgin on an ivory handle.
oh well that's just something a man would want
any decent man
Fav semi auto rifle?
my favorite rifle period is my marlin 60 because I'm a small child
second fave is G3
Ar infinite attachments
I had dream once that I had an old-school Galil ARM but chambered in 8mm Mauser
Lol wtf