Message from @BigBoiJamesKingRetard
Discord ID: 661165274019659788
Wouldnt be an issue if the south rose again
rise again we'll put ya down again
It needs to be a unified effort this time. No North South BS. Just doing what needs to be done
Sure you will yankee lmao
I mean we have plenty of new toys now. I'm sure we can make what Sherman did look like a quaint tea party
*laughs in huge civilian gun ownership*
Although if we're being honest, its the cities that need to burn now. NYC included
yep. Philly too as much as i love my eagles
Urbanites are a cancer
Yeah, I see it every time I visit my sister in Brooklyn. And I know other cities are either the same or just as bad
Even atlanta is bad.
But hes no Mel Gibson
@xringarcher1440 you know what. I might listen to some of his stuff.
one of my favs of his @mcguyver123
There are quite a few poorfag options
Yeah, but 9mm is the only thing Id consider for actual use. However I did consider getting a lil beretta jetfire in .25acp because its so tiny and adorable
32.acp is the smallest i would trust my life too heres a cheap 9mm if you don't mind the jewish shit
The only thing made by the IDF that i would by is the galil, and even then i would rathee get a vector
Idk, they make some pretty ok stuff. The baby eagle being one of them
I don't like admitting that i like this
I'm oddly aroused
It looks like a toy...
Very astute, it is a toy. But the idea is interesting enough
2nd one from bottom looks familiar
Speaking of toys
If i painted the tip of a real gun orange, what are the chances the piggies are gonna fall for it?
No very
Given they shoot people for holding cell phones wrong
I mean they might shoot for anything so
Fair enough
Im still doing it for the meme
Just thought id ask lmao
Be careful man. All it takes is a kid or a significant other "being cute" and blasting you or your loved one.
Well im still gonna treat it like a real gun