Message from @BigBoiJamesKingRetard
Discord ID: 660931487218008072
union guns are for winners
Civil war champs baby
Well I am a Yankee through n through
Ok yankee scum
well then hell yea
oh yeah you were saying you're from NY
Born n raised
I mean we won, so
And look what came of it yankee
Well because of Y'all we have this whole 13/50 thing
our mixed race grandchildren will be twerking at gay parades
Its cuz yall freed em
was it worth it
shouldn't have even let it get to 3/5ths tbh
And just the debt you yankees took was also for your souls
i always had a good laugh at the redneck wannabes at my high school back in the day, flying confederate flags off their rust bucket pickups
like dawg, you ever heard about the mason dixon line
so I was working a prom one year, and one of those redneck kids came in a realtree camo tux and a cowboy hat
Not gonna take shit from yankees who sold their people to the banks with debt
Ok, that one is fair. I'm on the side of ending the fed and all that
rise again we'll put ya down again
It needs to be a unified effort this time. No North South BS. Just doing what needs to be done
Sure you will yankee lmao
I mean we have plenty of new toys now. I'm sure we can make what Sherman did look like a quaint tea party
*laughs in huge civilian gun ownership*
Although if we're being honest, its the cities that need to burn now. NYC included
yep. Philly too as much as i love my eagles
Urbanites are a cancer
Yeah, I see it every time I visit my sister in Brooklyn. And I know other cities are either the same or just as bad
Even atlanta is bad.
But hes no Mel Gibson
@xringarcher1440 you know what. I might listen to some of his stuff.
one of my favs of his @mcguyver123
There are quite a few poorfag options
Yeah, but 9mm is the only thing Id consider for actual use. However I did consider getting a lil beretta jetfire in .25acp because its so tiny and adorable
32.acp is the smallest i would trust my life too heres a cheap 9mm if you don't mind the jewish shit