Message from @AKAlexei

Discord ID: 583020866879881232

2019-05-24 06:34:50 UTC  

Woke up like I was back in the shit lol

2019-05-24 06:34:57 UTC  

Lol it happens

2019-05-24 06:35:35 UTC  

At least I was able to sleep then lmao

2019-05-24 06:36:03 UTC  

There’s that. Beat off and try to go back to sleep?

2019-05-24 06:36:23 UTC  

Not even gonna lie, did that

2019-05-24 06:36:52 UTC  

Damn homie this is a serious thing

2019-05-24 06:38:22 UTC  

Fuck. Might as well hit the gym or run. Make something useful come out of it

2019-05-24 06:38:56 UTC  

There’s that. I start cleaning. That usually does the trick

2019-05-24 06:39:59 UTC

2019-05-24 06:40:07 UTC  

That's how my autism happens

2019-05-24 06:40:53 UTC  

>OCP >AK variant.

2019-05-24 06:41:41 UTC  

Typically, I break down my gear and put it back togethee

2019-05-26 23:09:56 UTC  

We need a prohibition on females drinking alcohol

2019-05-26 23:10:12 UTC  

I swear women can't handle a fucking drink

2019-05-26 23:10:18 UTC  

What happened?

2019-05-26 23:10:20 UTC  

But why tho

2019-05-26 23:23:50 UTC  

Did your ole lady puke

2019-05-27 14:18:47 UTC  

Nah my sister's turn into massive cunts when they drink I swear these mf can't handle alco for shit

2019-05-28 19:23:03 UTC  

i need to beat up an airforce pog for being an annoying pog but i don't wanna get in trouble when he snitches

2019-05-28 19:23:05 UTC  

what do i do

2019-05-28 19:56:46 UTC  

Wear a ski mask and don't be in uniform?

2019-05-28 21:21:53 UTC  

Shit you right

2019-05-29 00:04:40 UTC  

Just sunk all my funding into my car to repair it: annnnnd its starter is going and its leaking oil. Shoot me.

2019-05-29 00:06:20 UTC  

>you right now

2019-05-29 00:06:51 UTC  

You ain't wrong dude

2019-05-29 00:07:18 UTC  

Fam in the last 4 days I got broken up with; lost my apartment, and screamed at for 3 hours.

2019-05-29 00:07:29 UTC  

That picture is scarily accurate of how I'm feeling my dude

2019-05-29 00:28:10 UTC  

Sounds like you're about to go through big changes

2019-05-29 00:28:52 UTC  

A few months ago, my girlfriend and I were souring, she moved out, and I thought everything was going down the toilet with my future

2019-05-29 00:28:57 UTC  

But things changed

2019-05-29 00:29:17 UTC  

She and I have reconciled, we're expecting, and I'm about to go to Parris Island

2019-05-29 00:29:27 UTC  

The universe is preparing you for big things man

2019-05-29 00:29:29 UTC  

Don't give up

2019-05-29 00:29:56 UTC  

I'm just sick of the fight man. If it's not one thing it's another. I'm so fucking done with all of it

2019-05-29 00:34:47 UTC  

Well, I can tell you that I used to struggle with those feelings too, and one thing that I learned is that choosing the easy way out only prevents things from getting better. I almost did it when I was 17, and instead here I am, a few days away from my 22nd, an expectant father with a career ahead of me. Things will get better. And they will also get worse, yes, but they will get better. It's hard, but that's a part of the great human adventure

2019-05-29 00:35:40 UTC  

My gods teach that we were put on earth to be the best people we could be. That we are all legends in our own right.

2019-05-29 00:36:07 UTC  

Your legend shouldn't end here. It must go on, because you've got tons more to do

2019-05-29 00:39:28 UTC  

I guess I'll keep fighting then. Cant let the gods down now can I?

2019-05-29 00:40:03 UTC  

More importantly, and I think they would agree, you cant let yourself down

2019-05-30 03:25:38 UTC  

@Deleted User what is wrong with your car?

2019-05-30 03:27:13 UTC  

God fuckin knows man xD