Message from @Jotaro the d1xieb00

Discord ID: 602828449782169610

2019-07-19 20:41:03 UTC  

Keep us updated and good luck

2019-07-19 20:42:39 UTC  

*I believe in* you *king*

2019-07-19 20:42:49 UTC  

Yeah, i will

2019-07-19 20:42:56 UTC  

Thanks bruvs

2019-07-19 20:43:08 UTC  

You can doit bb

2019-07-19 20:43:15 UTC  

We will meet on the 25 this month

2019-07-19 20:43:29 UTC  

We are just planning to go eat somenthing

2019-07-19 20:43:40 UTC  

Just be yourself and don't overdo it

2019-07-19 20:43:41 UTC  

I don't plan on telling her anything yet

2019-07-19 20:43:53 UTC  

But i will in the future

2019-07-19 20:45:29 UTC  

Like in military get recon and think how to get best results

2019-07-19 20:45:58 UTC  

It may look like dead end but with right plan you can do anything m8

2019-07-19 20:45:59 UTC  

I don't want to overdo it, but also my last relationship left me really starved of affection. She was very cold and that and i just thought it was my fault for not being a good boyfriend

2019-07-19 20:46:23 UTC  

Don't blame yourself

2019-07-19 20:46:53 UTC  

Fun factoid about me: i tried getting into military medical school but wasnt accepted because i'm asmathic

2019-07-19 20:47:05 UTC  

It is just not worth it and your friends showed you what she was the one who fucked everything up

2019-07-19 20:47:46 UTC  

Yeah, my friends gave me a rethorical slap across the face

2019-07-19 20:49:39 UTC  

And trust your friends

2019-07-19 20:50:07 UTC  

If they see some shit and talk to you about it think why they said it

2019-07-20 00:00:46 UTC  

Yeah, i understand that, but they never said anything until it was up, with the exception of the friend aforementioned

2019-07-22 11:45:02 UTC  

@Dr Meme i know how u feel man amd i know its hard but u got dis

2019-07-22 11:45:28 UTC  

Ive never gone through a relationship but the last time i tried to go for a girl, i got rejected

2019-07-22 11:45:36 UTC  

And she also fell pregnant too

2019-07-22 11:46:03 UTC  

Ive moved on from her but im going through an early mid life crisis

2019-07-22 11:46:45 UTC  

Even though im nowhere near my mid life xD

2019-07-25 05:12:19 UTC  

Don't worry @Jotaro the d1xieb00 you will get there eventually. My first (and last so far) relationship was at 22yo

2019-07-25 05:13:41 UTC  

A sadness is upon me, but i can't identify why and rn that's making me loose sleep. Too bad i have to drive 6 hrs back home tomorrow first thing in the morning

2019-07-29 21:20:30 UTC  

Someone I have a very deep care for was just diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.

2019-07-29 21:20:40 UTC  

Fuck this year

2019-07-29 21:20:43 UTC  

Fuck this planet.

2019-07-29 21:20:45 UTC  

I'm done

2019-07-29 21:24:43 UTC  

Sorry to hear that man. Life can be a total bitch

2019-07-29 21:25:19 UTC  

How are you feeling?

2019-07-29 21:31:10 UTC  

Like eating a bullet

2019-07-29 21:35:57 UTC  

Can't say i don't know what that feels like. I wish i could do anything other than messages but that's how it is on this bitch of an earth.

2019-07-29 21:37:31 UTC  

How much more shit am I supposed to take fam? How many more people can I lose?

2019-07-29 21:40:03 UTC  

Doing anything helps?

2019-07-29 21:41:04 UTC  

Whenever i'm extremely depressed i listen to some classical music. My favourite song is Winter by Vivaldi

2019-07-29 21:41:44 UTC  

Maybe that isn't for you, but it might help

2019-07-29 21:41:58 UTC  

I can't anymore man. Thanks for trying but I don't think that's going to work this time

2019-07-29 21:42:32 UTC  

I get it