Message from @AKAlexei
Discord ID: 575151952313319444
I'm probably close to Doomer
But I look like <a:PepegaPls:564240292614504448>
If I were to describe myself as a meme, it'd be this? Y'all remember the meme of the fight where there's the dude just lounging in the back with a beer? Yeah, that's me.
@Deleted User this is great
I fucking love it
Ohana means gang gang
Yang gang only
And gang gang means no one gets yeeted
Imma go full autismo for a sec, wait one
When no one gets yeeted where is a point in yeeting?
Yeet me
pure autism
After all the shit that happened with me, with the reasons propelling me into the military I've just taken the attitude of fuck politics, fuck movements, fuck it all. I'm gonna get what's mine. Y'all know what chuck Barry said every night before counting 1234? Pay me my money! ... and my guns
I get you bro
my fave
Copy pasta done right
I will share with you my most often used reaction image
when people ask me to describe my politics
>eco fascists threatening animal abusers
>literally treat minorities like animals
When you leave the military you're either an autist or normal
There is no in between
its hard because eco libertarian nationalism sounds weird
Or just really dead inside
i mean it is just weaponized autism
"You know what happens when you get out of the Marines, Brad? You get your brain back."
If i pass my exams my buddy will get me a shirt with this