Message from @DAnteForneus
Discord ID: 580768590958166016
Best Stallone movie. Don’t @ me.
Remember taco bell will be the only fanchise in the future
Judge dredd
A valid opinion
And one I can respect more than the Rocky or Rambo series
Fuck those movies
Althought no quote Rambo..alot
My dad was SF 🤣 growing up whenever Rambo would come on tv he would just say how much of a pussy Stallone is
judge dredd hands down
But he isn't wrong lmao
The gods have blessed me
I'm going to be a dad
Shit congrats
Thanks fellas
How far along is it?
She's due January 1st
Nice man
Be sure to leave and offering to freya
I will
Any idea what she likes?
I've felt her tugging at my arm for some time but I never really understood why until now
Could use some advice on a good offering
my woman works with her more than me
but i know she enjoys flowers and honey
Oi it's merc
whats up man
Shit got banned
howed you do that lol
Dunno lol
i've posted some fucked up stuff and been fine