Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 580561679679750144
I like it
Bois i need some /k/omando boots what can you recomend?
Garmonts are the best thing in the world
Fuck me, our building is fucked today did a generator reset three times and a fire drill
Just trying to work
I got call from military they will hit me up later for interview
i will do some databases stuff there
I've realized I have a bad habit of accidentally saying morning to people when it isn't morning. Just did it to one of my poolees. I just justified it by saying "It's before I've had my coffee... it's morning"
It’s morning here
It's afternoon where I am
Anyone knows what board is going to war with burger king?
What is this burger war?
Is demolition man now reality?
I fucking miss that movie
Best Stallone movie. Don’t @ me.
Remember taco bell will be the only fanchise in the future
A valid opinion
And one I can respect more than the Rocky or Rambo series
Fuck those movies
Althought no quote Rambo..alot
My dad was SF 🤣 growing up whenever Rambo would come on tv he would just say how much of a pussy Stallone is
judge dredd hands down
But he isn't wrong lmao
The gods have blessed me
I'm going to be a dad
Shit congrats
I'm so happy for you
Thanks fellas
How far along is it?
She's due January 1st