Message from @AKAlexei
Discord ID: 584220062458708032
This is why war is the answer
My God the soy is real
but lets make them more powerful
imagine being that much of a cuck
But my soy latte
This is why most of the people like me who follow or have created Liberatarian Socialist schools of thought can't fucking stand communists and a lot of socialists
Can we ban him
Communism ain't patriotic
No don't do that
And I'm trying not to nuke that comment
Then he'll be able to gloat to his shitbag stalinist friends like he won
Fucking shit.
You're your not wrong
Let him talk shit
He's just a douchebag statist leftist
Fuck him for bringing veterans into it
He thinks just because he's a "soldier of the revolution" that he's somehow qualified to say shit like that. Classist little shit
He doesn't know shit
He's probably like most of these statist commie shitbags
Wait till the shit starts. Caint wait till those fuckers get to taste their own words
Well taken care of, never suffered, never known what it is to be truly working class like most of us
But guys
i got it
check the comments
ReAl CoMmUnIsM HaSnT BeEn TrIeD
dropped my favorite pic of communism
Screenshot that shit
I'm not on my Facebook atm
I wanna see
oddly slow with the response now
i love how not alot of people knoow about the "meat" markets