Message from @CatLoverKid
Discord ID: 619218427696906281
I ain't heard enough good liquors in this chat
@Hellhound6 dont reeeee at me fagit, you know you wanna join
Blonde headed sluts are superior to red headed sluts
@Foxhound one word my dude Argentina
@snowman reeee you're not wrong
Moscow Mules, Russian Standard, Jameson, 151, Whisky Sours, and IPAs for me
Red headed sluts are auto better
Wait @Hellhound6 argenrina?
Kentucky mule
@Foxhound tan blondes everywhere
Explain feg
or an Irish Mule. MUles are good
Tullamore dew
That's my sipping whiskey
Oh gross
@snowman I knew a russian dude who exclusively drank that, Johnnie Walker Blue Label, and this one really fucking expensive Vodka
That's for when I'm smoking a cigar around a fire
sounds like my kinda dude
News flash most Russians are cunts.
@CatLoverKid Russians aren't people
Have you guys ever drank bitch beer
threw his macbook off 4 stories when he got pissed, and then threatened to shoot a dude for no reason... we laughed at him, so he pulled a fuckin .45 out of his pocket and pointed it at us
Because let me tell you about these delicious
this was in the middle of LA, that sorta shit don't fly there
Red white and blue popsicle tasting Smirnoffs
dude I saw that
That's when you slav squat to assert dominance
They taste dead on it
That's my kayaking drink
Did someone also say Slav Squat? My herritage
And they get you fucking wasted
@thedarkness05 wait one
A ну, чики-брики и в дамки!!!
sweet drinks good to get you white girl wasted
damn its sure hard to type with a bulldog licking the shit out of your face