Message from @Hellhound6
Discord ID: 619217935558377491
Bourbon only
Burbon is a type of whisky tho
No bourbon is bourbon
im gonna go buy a yuge pack of huwhite claws after class and watch the hurricane
who want to join me
I'll watch from AZ
and laugh
don't get looted
@snowman REEE
loot the looters
Blonde headed sluts are indeed good
@CatLoverKid that's my line lol
Wait we're talking about booze still
Same, but from NY as I hope it dosent come up this way
They delicious
yeah, back on topic
*abort abort abort*
I ain't heard enough good liquors in this chat
@Hellhound6 dont reeeee at me fagit, you know you wanna join
Blonde headed sluts are superior to red headed sluts
@snowman reeee you're not wrong
Moscow Mules, Russian Standard, Jameson, 151, Whisky Sours, and IPAs for me
Red headed sluts are auto better
Wait @Hellhound6 argenrina?
Kentucky mule
@Foxhound tan blondes everywhere
Explain feg
or an Irish Mule. MUles are good
Tullamore dew
That's my sipping whiskey
Oh gross
@snowman I knew a russian dude who exclusively drank that, Johnnie Walker Blue Label, and this one really fucking expensive Vodka
he was an utter cunt
That's for when I'm smoking a cigar around a fire
sounds like my kinda dude
News flash most Russians are cunts.