Message from @FitnessByHeatherHeyer

Discord ID: 660083381467480084

2019-12-27 04:19:16 UTC  

Can anyone actually show evidence of him being racist?

2019-12-27 04:19:31 UTC  

Genuinely want to see if there is any

2019-12-27 04:27:03 UTC  

No not really

2019-12-27 04:39:27 UTC  

This is just a thought exercise -I personally don’t believe it will happen- if the boogaloo kicks off, how do you think the factions would form?

For example, I talk with a lot of people who probably would accept the alt right title or atleast groyper, and some that are unabashed natsoc etc. they seem to think I’d be on their side. This baffles me, they are just as bad as the far left, and I’d.... neutralize... people from either “faction” if they get the civil war they want.

I’m not even a statist, but I’d rather keep the status quo than allow those authoritarians to run around imposing their will on people

I’d imagine you would maybe three or so main lines of though: the far left authoritarians, the “far right” authoritarians, then a *coalition* of status quo statists with more libertarian minded people, who don’t want to illegally violate people’s property rights. With in these lines of though you would have separate sub groups who’s goals and means differ obviously.

I don’t know though, any thoughts? I just have this nebulous hard to quantify feeling about the boogaloo And I’m hopping by talking about it i can... rationalize... maybe realize is a better word... my thoughts and emotions on the matter

2019-12-27 04:43:06 UTC  

And it sucks to have to side with the status quo statists because it is my firm belief that we should have already had a second civil war if we Take the founders to be our example.

2019-12-27 04:47:44 UTC  

Luckily atleast 99% of the people who want the boogaloo are weak fucks who can barely function

2019-12-27 04:47:53 UTC  

So it’s not that big of a worry imo

2019-12-27 05:35:27 UTC  

Well first off, it ain't gonna happen. But if we just want to wargame it out? OK. I don't think that stockpiles of ammo (hey I can get that off of you for the low low price of one bullet) are getting you anywhere. Neither are nebulous internet movements. A crisis situation is both time-sensitive and localized. So alt-right or AntiFa LARPers are pretty much only good for creating a little chaos. Any group that is local and community based can field more effectively. Shit I'd put better money on the Shriners.

2019-12-27 06:20:33 UTC  


2019-12-27 06:20:37 UTC  

restoring funding?

2019-12-27 06:20:40 UTC  

it was withheld in the first place?

2019-12-27 06:21:51 UTC  
2019-12-27 06:42:49 UTC  

Congress failed to renew $255 million in annual funding for HBCUs on September 30 @Jokerfaic

2019-12-27 06:43:51 UTC  

probably too busy hallucenating that russia's a malicious puppetmaster of our executive office

2019-12-27 06:46:42 UTC  

Most likely

2019-12-27 07:06:56 UTC  

As an adult, having read *Up from Slavery* I kinda regret not having gone to Tuskegee just to live that American history.

2019-12-27 11:31:59 UTC  

@Jym We should have never brought the Africans here. Now were stuck with them without chains on.

2019-12-27 11:32:00 UTC  


2019-12-27 11:32:45 UTC  

Also U.K./Netherlands should have completely genocided South Africa in the 1890's

2019-12-27 11:35:41 UTC  

The negro continues to prove totally worthless to this day on every corner of the globe

2019-12-27 11:36:45 UTC  

His low IQ, poor impulse control and overly high testosterone makes him the perfect criminal and ultimate target for communism

2019-12-27 11:37:27 UTC  


2019-12-27 11:38:09 UTC  

Just leaving them alone would be far better than genocide or enslavement

2019-12-27 11:39:46 UTC  

It has more to do with brainwashing and being raised in a culture of violence without father's than it does genetics

2019-12-27 11:40:37 UTC  

Genetics play a role in everything, however on average you can take a baby of any skin color and raise them to be anything you want them to be

2019-12-27 11:47:53 UTC  

The fatherlessness and culture of crime stems from their low IQ and inability to adapt to a Westernized 1st world lifestyle.

2019-12-27 11:48:15 UTC  

Even today they fail to abide by basic courtesies and have a complete lack of empathy.

2019-12-27 11:48:46 UTC  

The lack of empathy is genetic and removed any hope for adaptation into the Western world. They will always be outsiders

2019-12-27 12:29:25 UTC  

There's no proof of this at all

2019-12-27 12:29:29 UTC  

And black people do have empathy

2019-12-27 12:30:23 UTC  

Also white liberals seem to be the bigger threat, so I'm doubtful of black people being the problem

2019-12-27 12:31:44 UTC  

And the book, the bell curve, bases almost all of it's information on actual lies, with the creator of the supposed IQ levels of each country not only lying about over 100 countries, but taking the results of mentally retarded kids as a representation for everyone in a whole country

2019-12-27 12:41:13 UTC  

Virtually all the information in the bell curve was made by richard lynn, who basically just made up most of his data. Obviously doing an IQ test for the entire world is impossible, let alone for one man. There's not even large enough sample sizes in many countries for IQ tests, that are all the same. You'd need them to all take the same IQ test since there are different norms, to have it of people all of the same age range, and you'd have to find a way past the language barrier of nearly 200 or more countries.

2019-12-27 12:41:55 UTC  

What little wasn't outright fabricated, with him only providing information at all for 85 out of the 185 countries he listed, is basically random IQ tests of 50 or so people, usually mentally retarded people, designed to represent an entire group of people

2019-12-27 12:42:26 UTC  

What is the foundation of the entire idea that black people have lower IQ's, comes from, what is essentially just someone who lied or massaged data to fit his preconviceved viewpoint.

2019-12-27 12:43:10 UTC  

. For example, the data sets containing Surinamese, Ethiopian, and Mexican IQ scores were based on unrepresentative samples of children who had emigrated from their nation of birth to the Netherlands, Israel, and Argentina, respectively

2019-12-27 14:16:35 UTC  

“Lol, yeah we know you stabbed a woman and we just found you after a 2 week search, but you’re free to go”
-New York

What a Fucking Joke

2019-12-27 14:34:43 UTC  

I know damn well if the races were reversed they’d say “White 14-year-Old Boy”

2019-12-27 14:40:36 UTC  

Imagine the sheer delusion you must have to think that declaring war on your own citizenery is a good idea.