
Discord ID: 270588835828727808

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<:DrinkBleach:590859953225334794> seems to fit my name pretty well


Couldn't ask for anything more tbh

I wish you the best of luck my friend

Passed on a technicality

That Tim video looks pretty gnarly

9 hours you'll never get back

Go watch something useful like History channel (kidding)

Too many

Any time is too many tbh


Thinkgon is my favorite discord emoji of all time

All slavs are seemingly in a constant state of squat

The only chairs allowed are anti-manspreading chairs

Gotta be woke

It wasn't just me

I didn't know reacting was a no-no

Not the ban list


RIP Admiral Ackbar

The damn commies

Jack the Reactor

Facts b




@Hylia tbh I donโ€™t think youโ€™re too far off there

Never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

The answer is yes

Pretty hard to not be crass

That pedosexual shit they push is the worst though

This tbh

Who said calling out the wrongs of a particular group/movement was hating gay people?

Well thatโ€™s different

What kind of channels do you watch @licorice jellyfish?

Nobody is getting upset? How about the Boston straight pride parade with the dozens of protesters

It was a fucking meme

And they took it literally

Furries bad

Iโ€™m fine with people doing whatever sex shit they want, just keep it off the streets and out of fucking childrenโ€™s books

They seem to be moving in the other direction though

Like walkaway

Pretty good tbh


Typical, just because we donโ€™t agree with some of the more extreme elements we are now โ€œhatingโ€ the entire group


Iโ€™d love it if they would keep clothes on

Itโ€™s in public though, there are rules

@Spooky Melon youโ€™re gonna break this bot

Cancel culture, something the left knows all about

2019-09-14 17:51:12 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I missed the Sargon sighting? Smh

2019-09-14 17:53:32 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Social constructs are just social constructs

@ur mom college fuck that go and get her

Whoโ€™s joe?

Itโ€™s a trap


I never cared much for Milo

Man, who doesnโ€™t loathe Corbyn?

Oh yeah itโ€™s big brain time

At least you aren't a Bruins fan๐Ÿ˜”

Same, I'll never forget 3-0 though

That was rough

Hockey is fun as hell to watch

I just love it how the Bruins make it almost an annual thing to shit on the Leafs in game 7 of a playoff series

I love it

I got roasted badly after last year though, one of my close friends is a Canadiens fan who finds it funny when the Bruins lose

Well, at least we made the playoffs<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

These were the glory days for me

I'm not too old so that was the greatest thing ever

Back when the Bruins could actually win a cup final

But Chara is one tough motherfucker

I mean you aren't wrong

I guess I shouldn't ask for more championships

From my other teams

First time I've heard that <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

RIP Ben's career

tfw fans realize juju and conner are no brown and bell

I enjoy UrinatingTree's videos

Hilarious tbh


We had the 60's Celtics then nothing much else and now this shit

80's celtics were alright

Mix in the Bobby Orr era

And it's okay

the 90's were shit

Pretty rough

My biggest sports regret is not being able to remember the โ€˜04 Sox better

I was born a decade too late

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