Message from @Eccles

Discord ID: 657648023035445311

2019-12-20 18:12:44 UTC  

Consider it a bit like a divorce, then a future agreement on how to divide parenting duties

2019-12-20 18:13:31 UTC  

It does. Thank you. Sounds fair on its face. Here's to hoping they reach a favorable outcome for the people.

2019-12-20 18:13:48 UTC  

It’s amusing that they take a weakness of the EU, the fact that it takes years to negotiate trade deals, and assume that it’s the norm

2019-12-20 18:14:16 UTC  

Provided such a deal doesn't impose restrictions on immigration policy, and provided the European Courts aren't deciding anything other than specifically trade issues, msot brexiters would be happy

2019-12-20 18:14:31 UTC  

Y'all certainly seem to be enjoying more civil politics over there than here. It's a fucking nightmare in the U.S.

2019-12-20 18:14:45 UTC  

It was very uncivil here until the election

2019-12-20 18:14:51 UTC  

It was pretty close to violence

2019-12-20 18:14:59 UTC  

The election helped a lot

2019-12-20 18:15:21 UTC  

The -politicians- in opposition seems to have quietened down now they have got BTFO'd

2019-12-20 18:15:39 UTC  

It was the left-wing politicians inciting revolt and violence before the election

2019-12-20 18:16:12 UTC  

We got a Parliament that works now.
And with its big majority the conservatives can actually enact change

2019-12-20 18:16:22 UTC  

I don't think your lot in America is going to get any better until the Republicans retake both houses

2019-12-20 18:16:26 UTC  

We're experiencing very much of the same. I hope the 2020 election will bring us a similar calm.

2019-12-20 18:16:37 UTC  

But your republicans don't seem terribly effective or competent right now

2019-12-20 18:17:23 UTC  

While Democrats are pissing around with pointless withhunts, Republicans -ought- to be putting together a set of policy plans to really fix some of the issues fucking people over, and including in California and urban areas, that they can hit the ground running with

2019-12-20 18:17:46 UTC  

I don't see Trump as terribly important to it - he's transient, either way he's gone in 2024

2019-12-20 18:17:47 UTC  

Taking them is one thing. Doing something with it is another matter entirely. They didn't do so much from 2016-2018 but there's been a slight changing of the guard so who knows. I'm not thrilled about this Defense spending bill he's signing today.

2019-12-20 18:18:04 UTC  

They really fucked up, 2016-2018

2019-12-20 18:18:06 UTC  


2019-12-20 18:18:22 UTC  

i understand why, they were scared of Trump because they got their arses handed to them

2019-12-20 18:18:27 UTC  

but it was a massive wasted opportunity

2019-12-20 18:18:57 UTC  

(as an outside observer)

2019-12-20 18:19:15 UTC  

the democrat propaganda goes almost unchallenged in the UK

2019-12-20 18:19:55 UTC  

a future republican president wants to make himself popular with the uk press if he can

2019-12-20 18:19:58 UTC  

and with the people

2019-12-20 18:20:03 UTC  

> retarded black people

Is there any other kind?

2019-12-20 18:20:12 UTC  

that's unkind, unpronouncable

2019-12-20 18:20:19 UTC  

Yep. Didn't mean to derail the UK pol room with US stuff. But from a colonist to the mother empire, my hat's tipped to you. Well done

2019-12-20 18:20:35 UTC  

Whether it works here remains to be seen

2019-12-20 18:20:47 UTC  

I don't feel like there's a cult of support like with Trump

2019-12-20 18:20:58 UTC  

It feels more like there's collective relief at dodging a comminst bullet

2019-12-20 18:21:05 UTC  

i.e. we're giving him the benefit of the doubt

2019-12-20 18:21:25 UTC  

but he's basically being called, to give a poker analogy

2019-12-20 18:22:56 UTC  

Possibly because Trump at least had a profile that was -seen- to be successful from a layman's point of view, in business and on tv

2019-12-20 18:23:14 UTC  

Boris, by contrast, was an OK but eccentric mayor, and a tv/media personality

2019-12-20 18:23:22 UTC  

It's not concrete

2019-12-20 18:25:56 UTC  

Trump's appeal is that he makes the autistic left screech in pain and fear and it's provided massive amounts of entertainment. Politically however, I don't think much is getting done. We're still spending at unsustainable rates and the debt continues to skyrocket. Sure we're better economically today than when Obama left but I don't see what's being done to rein in the government to help maintain that prosperity. If anything it's bigger than ever which is what he ran against.

2019-12-20 18:27:01 UTC  

If you're going to run that level of deficit, you want to be able to show somethign for it. A transient amount of improvement in the economy is all very well, but he'd better off imho doing something for long term improvement

2019-12-20 18:27:05 UTC  

Same here - infrastructure

2019-12-20 18:27:30 UTC  

"Making the fucking trains run on time" is a good start