Message from @Eccles

Discord ID: 657646587383906314

2019-12-20 18:06:46 UTC  

Tim is banned, sorry

2019-12-20 18:06:55 UTC  

So how does the Boris deal compare to the May deal? Is this actually good for Britons or Brexit in name only?

2019-12-20 18:07:02 UTC  

I like Tim, come at me

2019-12-20 18:07:11 UTC  

I'm not way inclined, Hopix

2019-12-20 18:07:13 UTC  

i doubt a deal will be agreed

2019-12-20 18:07:15 UTC  


2019-12-20 18:07:20 UTC  

I just find him bleh, like Styx, or MundaneMatt

2019-12-20 18:07:24 UTC  

but the law states

2019-12-20 18:07:38 UTC  

brexit by dec 2020

2019-12-20 18:07:47 UTC  

hell or high water

2019-12-20 18:08:02 UTC  

Why wouldn't a deal be agreed? I get the feeling they'll break the deal down into chunks in order to negotiate and agree them quicker

2019-12-20 18:08:09 UTC  

tim isnt that bad relatively speaking

2019-12-20 18:08:32 UTC  

Word across the pond was the deal was agreed upon and passed and Brexit by Jan 31. Not so?

2019-12-20 18:08:39 UTC  


2019-12-20 18:08:40 UTC  

gets pretty boring if you watch enough videos though

2019-12-20 18:09:18 UTC  

THe deal agreed upon, just passed today was the "withdrawal agreement", an agreement as to the manner and process to which (legally) the UK leaves the EU

2019-12-20 18:09:31 UTC  

It includes a 1yr transition period during which we continue to obey the same laws/trade agreements

2019-12-20 18:09:57 UTC  

What happens next is a negotiation on future relations. If no agreement is reached (highly unlikely) by the end of the year, then we leave as if it was a no-deal brexit

2019-12-20 18:10:31 UTC  

People are claiming it can't be negotiated in a year because other trade deals take longer, but we have the unique advantage that we are already in full regulatory alignment with the eu, so that part can skipped entirely

2019-12-20 18:12:24 UTC  

Hope that helps 🙂

2019-12-20 18:12:44 UTC  

Consider it a bit like a divorce, then a future agreement on how to divide parenting duties

2019-12-20 18:13:31 UTC  

It does. Thank you. Sounds fair on its face. Here's to hoping they reach a favorable outcome for the people.

2019-12-20 18:13:48 UTC  

It’s amusing that they take a weakness of the EU, the fact that it takes years to negotiate trade deals, and assume that it’s the norm

2019-12-20 18:14:16 UTC  

Provided such a deal doesn't impose restrictions on immigration policy, and provided the European Courts aren't deciding anything other than specifically trade issues, msot brexiters would be happy

2019-12-20 18:14:31 UTC  

Y'all certainly seem to be enjoying more civil politics over there than here. It's a fucking nightmare in the U.S.

2019-12-20 18:14:45 UTC  

It was very uncivil here until the election

2019-12-20 18:14:51 UTC  

It was pretty close to violence

2019-12-20 18:14:59 UTC  

The election helped a lot

2019-12-20 18:15:21 UTC  

The -politicians- in opposition seems to have quietened down now they have got BTFO'd

2019-12-20 18:15:39 UTC  

It was the left-wing politicians inciting revolt and violence before the election

2019-12-20 18:16:12 UTC  

We got a Parliament that works now.
And with its big majority the conservatives can actually enact change

2019-12-20 18:16:22 UTC  

I don't think your lot in America is going to get any better until the Republicans retake both houses

2019-12-20 18:16:26 UTC  

We're experiencing very much of the same. I hope the 2020 election will bring us a similar calm.

2019-12-20 18:16:37 UTC  

But your republicans don't seem terribly effective or competent right now

2019-12-20 18:17:23 UTC  

While Democrats are pissing around with pointless withhunts, Republicans -ought- to be putting together a set of policy plans to really fix some of the issues fucking people over, and including in California and urban areas, that they can hit the ground running with

2019-12-20 18:17:46 UTC  

I don't see Trump as terribly important to it - he's transient, either way he's gone in 2024

2019-12-20 18:17:47 UTC  

Taking them is one thing. Doing something with it is another matter entirely. They didn't do so much from 2016-2018 but there's been a slight changing of the guard so who knows. I'm not thrilled about this Defense spending bill he's signing today.

2019-12-20 18:18:04 UTC  

They really fucked up, 2016-2018

2019-12-20 18:18:06 UTC  


2019-12-20 18:18:22 UTC  

i understand why, they were scared of Trump because they got their arses handed to them

2019-12-20 18:18:27 UTC  

but it was a massive wasted opportunity