Message from @baiyn

Discord ID: 657875523866984469

2019-12-21 07:24:50 UTC  
2019-12-21 07:49:06 UTC  

*"The British told them to fuck off"*
*"T h e B r i t i s h t o l d t h e m t o f u c k o f f"*

2019-12-21 07:58:22 UTC  

dammit im late discovering this gentleman - this is great

2019-12-21 09:13:26 UTC  

Honestly delaying leave hurt the economy of the UK way more.

2019-12-21 09:14:03 UTC  

Leave has a lot of advantages invovling investment.

2019-12-21 09:14:31 UTC  

People would be seeing the fruits of leaving now if not for the constant sabotage.

2019-12-21 09:18:21 UTC  

people are like "omg voting leave killed the pound" and it's like "well yes, it's almost like businesses don't enjoy uncertainty" - i've explained it after the referendum as a speed bump, unfortunately it's one that's taken the best part of 4 years to finish and we won't start seeing the actual fruits of Brexit until we start making trade deals, which could have been made already at year 2 if not for all of the naysayers.

2019-12-21 09:19:57 UTC  

#OwenJonesIsAWankerDay is trending

2019-12-21 09:20:07 UTC  

owen jones is a wanker every day

2019-12-21 09:20:09 UTC  

that's trending every day

2019-12-21 09:20:13 UTC  

just in my head

2019-12-21 09:21:21 UTC  

Labour lost the election due to algorithim changes you see

2019-12-21 09:21:24 UTC  
2019-12-21 09:21:50 UTC  

how was labour winnign the social media war

2019-12-21 09:22:01 UTC  

i'm sorry but they were not

2019-12-21 09:22:02 UTC  

because Jezza got a lot of twitter likes x

2019-12-21 09:22:09 UTC  

even in labour threads

2019-12-21 09:22:18 UTC  

more and more people were coming out and saying "yeah but corbyn is this"

2019-12-21 09:22:27 UTC  

or "lololol you guys are srsly gonna voet corbeen?"

2019-12-21 09:22:55 UTC  

yes there was a lot of support from the normal labour voter

2019-12-21 09:22:57 UTC  

but idk;

2019-12-21 09:23:04 UTC  

algorithm had nothing to do with it

2019-12-21 09:24:06 UTC
can anyone be bothered to check if that guy has abused a politician before on twitter?

2019-12-21 09:25:09 UTC  

he thinks Emily Thornberry would be a good labour leader

2019-12-21 09:25:20 UTC  

thats abuse of the nation

2019-12-21 09:25:26 UTC  

that's perfect

2019-12-21 09:25:36 UTC  

i'd like her as leader, too

2019-12-21 09:25:46 UTC  

stubborn as a mule, looks like a toad

2019-12-21 09:26:00 UTC  

might not even survive till next general election

2019-12-21 09:26:47 UTC called Nick Robinson a wanker in 2018

2019-12-21 09:35:20 UTC  


2019-12-21 09:37:37 UTC  

**"Someone needs to curb stomp the fuck out of Owen Jones the alpaca looking cunt"**

2019-12-21 10:31:49 UTC