Message from @Tit
Discord ID: 661217266196676608
Labour being fucked is just karma for all the fucking they enabled.
you know
Three years of a minority government held over a barrel waiting for a real leader to come along and take the reins who them steamrolled the election
we should sell that salt for profit.
So what your saying
Is that your government doesn't do anything at all
labour didn'g get fucked anywhere hard enough for it to be karma
We're still waiting on brexit btw
capitalism is big gay
Boris is a centrist at best
If your country is truly a democracy in spirit very little will get done tbh
communism is big gay
@Sectator Pragmaticam Lex The best is yet to come ?
Because everyone has their two cents and often work against each other
Socialism is for faggots
If you know democracy sucks why are you pretending it's a good rhing
Feudalism is <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>
Because it is a good thing
here's to hoping @Goddess Tyche
Uh huh
Rock coin
Lol, democracy is the best alternative to everything else.
Invest in rock coin
monarchy > democracy
Come give rock in rock bank
It is better we argue with each other like the free cities of Greece than oppressing one another, because in that game London basically decides everything
Rise in value
Imperial rule would suggest otherwise
And that would be the same for most countries
@Tit Diamonds?
No trust long nosed tribe
Not English imperial rule obviously
democracy without qualified voting is doing it wrong
Except when the UK had an empire we were RAN by PARLIAMENT <:PepeLaugh:565528391336329216>
We have had parliament for like 700-800 years
Monarchism all the way
Democracy but just for the people that pay more than they receive( no representation if you take money from the state instead of giving)