Message from @whiic

Discord ID: 650697993175171093

2019-12-01 04:54:11 UTC  

Lmao, give me a minute to start unpacking this

2019-12-01 04:59:31 UTC  

First of all, wouldn’t they be the people that would side with Anita and Zoe? Which in turn, would be with the gaming media defending them. Aren’t they the leftists and feminists? How do they reconcile that?
Second of all, gamer gate was about shitty practices that corporations had, true. However, inserting communism isn’t going to work, considering that this was specifically against bad practices and not the existence of corporations themselves. Perhaps this could have worked if you played the long game but, again, the people are revolting against left wing ideology.
And finally, this happened 2013/2014, there is no long game with this. This happened 5/6 years ago. You can’t repeat that unless you recreate the prefect conditions for it, which you don’t have that power.

2019-12-01 05:02:49 UTC  

Communists have no understanding of how money works

2019-12-01 05:02:55 UTC  

Or the economy at large

2019-12-01 05:03:12 UTC  

Otherwise they would likely not be commies

2019-12-01 06:50:21 UTC

2019-12-01 06:51:35 UTC  

@snake The biggest irony with "Gamergate 2.0 but with Communism" is probably the very idea of communist video games. I cannot imagine a supply for video games that would actually entertain the populace.

2019-12-01 06:54:07 UTC  

I do admit that Pyongyang Racer does produce some unintentional comedy...

2019-12-01 06:54:19 UTC  

I mean, what if your dictator told you to enjoy it? Do you have a choice?

2019-12-01 06:58:06 UTC  

Capability to make choices is prerequisite of free markets. You cannot have those.

2019-12-01 06:59:37 UTC  

Thus GG with Communism makes sense. You WILL enjoy it.

2019-12-01 07:02:02 UTC  

By coincidence, this comment was posted on Pyongyang Racer:

2019-12-01 07:03:28 UTC  


2019-12-01 07:03:53 UTC  


2019-12-01 07:05:02 UTC  


2019-12-01 07:10:23 UTC  

It's funny how feminism has reached even DPRK, with objectifying stare.

2019-12-01 07:11:36 UTC  

Only the pudgy potato sack gets to look at the women.

2019-12-01 13:14:36 UTC  

convo on a new type of goverment with a free market and smaller gov in other (pol) chat. You can come in for points of reference and small questions. Other than that please have yourself muted

2019-12-01 14:01:30 UTC  

"Only the pudgy potato sack gets to look at the women."
The scary part is that with the food scarcity DPRK, most people staring at the police lady would probably eat her (the more literal way).

2019-12-01 14:05:45 UTC  

> Alexander Hamilton 1802 on the dangers of mass migration: "To admit foreigners indiscriminately...would be nothing less, than to admit the Grecian Horse into the Citadel of our Liberty & Sovereignty." #AmericaFirst

2019-12-01 17:16:52 UTC  

What, he debated someone again?

2019-12-01 17:19:11 UTC  

Again? Sargon or Vaush?

2019-12-01 17:19:18 UTC  

Well, in this instance, both.

2019-12-01 17:19:36 UTC  

Thought Sargon retired from debates cause he got rekt so often

2019-12-01 17:19:50 UTC  

It seems video and audio gets seriously out-of-synch in just a few minutes into the stream.

2019-12-01 17:20:32 UTC  

Well.. it wasnt a debate but a whinefest about words

2019-12-01 17:21:13 UTC  

Sargon getting rekt... hmmm... I mean, I remember him vs. Kristi Winters with him losing before debate started due to frame game (i.e definiting winning conditions so that Sargon had burden of proof, then getting gish-galloped with dozen feminist studies).

2019-12-01 17:22:15 UTC  

I don't consider some of the most notorious "rekt" moments like Sargon vs. Spencer to be a "Sargon eternally pwned". It was Spencer being a slimy shitfuck and not answering even the simplest of questions.

2019-12-01 17:23:35 UTC  
2019-12-01 17:24:14 UTC  

Sargon doesn't do very well in formal debates because in formal debates, you don't debate with honesty (i.e trying to argue with the opponent, rather you try to win the audience, and you do it within rules and preset goals).

2019-12-01 17:25:40 UTC  

And Internet Bloodsports is similar: there's no discussion and attempt at understanding other or changing other's position or self-improvement. It's just like a formal debate, only you remove the rules and preset goal, and do constant character assassination because your opponent is your opponent, not their position.

2019-12-01 17:26:18 UTC  

Like, if you debate Enoch, you don't debate stupidity of white nationalism, you rather bring up that he's a racemixing Kike fucker.

2019-12-01 17:30:55 UTC  

@ETBrooD Gish-gallop is useful in a formal debate, because if both sides have 10 minutes, you can put more than 10 false assertion in that time, while the opponent only has time to debunk 1 or 2 of them properly. It's what 6oodfella calls: *"It'll only take a few minutes to spray a room full of shit but it takes a whole day clean up that shit."* That is practically what gish-gallop is.

2019-12-01 17:32:17 UTC  

Yeah I learned a while back it's neccessary to go into the offensive and not get too tangled up in blocking every single stab

2019-12-01 17:34:51 UTC  

I personally think white nationalists are dumb because by their own standards Asians are superior to white people, meaning that whites are not supreme

2019-12-01 17:37:16 UTC  

Im thankful that I delayed going to bed for this debate. This'll remind me to stop watching these shitshows.

2019-12-01 17:53:18 UTC  

I don't think WN's are dumb at all, have you tried debating them on the facts of the situation alone rather than their goals?