Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 653600948039581707

2019-12-09 14:05:05 UTC  

I will fight for the slavs

2019-12-09 14:05:08 UTC  

What the fuck?

2019-12-09 14:05:20 UTC  

All in the name of slav-ery

2019-12-09 14:06:41 UTC  


2019-12-09 14:06:48 UTC  

They keep using the s-word

2019-12-09 14:06:50 UTC  

That's our word

2019-12-09 14:06:54 UTC  

Gib reparations

2019-12-09 14:08:35 UTC  

@Xaverius communists should pay reparations to the slavs <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-12-09 14:09:27 UTC  

The word *Slav* originates from the same word as *slovo*, which means "word" or "letter" and is cognate with *slava*, "fame"

2019-12-09 14:10:28 UTC  

Totalitarian ideologues, such as yourself @Goddess Tyche, preaching the defunct, fascist ideology of my own ancestors, are the ones who should be purged. Your political segment will fail, once again, and I will be there to stand over your bodies, just as my grandparents and great uncles stood over the bodies of those useful idiots who came before you.

2019-12-09 14:11:02 UTC  

Exciting times we live in.

2019-12-09 14:11:23 UTC  

Hey, I just want my homeland pest-free, how is that totalitarian.

2019-12-09 14:11:27 UTC  

You sperg.

2019-12-09 14:12:31 UTC  

Well I mean if you want people to stay off your lawn you're de facto racist, so said Stalin, and thus you are Hitler

2019-12-09 14:12:59 UTC  

*alternative facts bra*

2019-12-09 14:15:24 UTC  

You don't own anything beyond that which you have a documented, interest in ownership, and the statistical basis, from which you attempt to justify your adoption of said ideology, do not support your arguments, nor does the disinformation regarding genetic predominance in determining social behavior, @Goddess Tyche.

2019-12-09 14:15:54 UTC  

Jeremy = <:mutt:462285123421732874>

2019-12-09 14:16:00 UTC  

Jeremy = <:npc:502497359419408384>

2019-12-09 14:16:02 UTC  

*Most black people did not watch Black Panther because they were black*

2019-12-09 14:16:25 UTC  

@ETBrooD As we learned from Stalin, it's much easier to remove the people off your lawn at night, when everyone is sleeping. Including those people <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2019-12-09 14:16:49 UTC  

*Predicting behavior by racial demographics? How very scientific of you, which is the white patriarchy, to hell with you!*

2019-12-09 14:17:05 UTC  

I'm referencing the "warrior" gene nonsense, @ETBrooD. However, many whites also watched Black Panther, though I'm not one.

2019-12-09 14:17:05 UTC  

Liberia = USA

2019-12-09 14:17:51 UTC  

@Jeremy I'm just thinking I don't know if you know what beliefs exactly @Goddess Tyche holds on racial determinism.

2019-12-09 14:18:29 UTC  

I don't entertain myself with the garbage pumping out of Hollywood, which is an issue that's being resolved in the presence of decentralization.

2019-12-09 14:18:50 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche and I have spoken previously, he's an advocate of State-centralism.

2019-12-09 14:18:59 UTC  

My views on racial determinism are:

1. USA = Liberia
2. 13 = 50

2019-12-09 14:19:45 UTC  

>the US has wandering warlords

2019-12-09 14:20:39 UTC  

Also, after looking up IQ scores:

3. 97 = 85

2019-12-09 14:21:02 UTC  

He's also attempted to push the nonsense of American Nationalism being rooted in "Germanicism," which is frankly, absurd. Americans who've befallen the influence of such doctrines, not of our civic founding, are merely insurgents representative of the fifth-column era.

2019-12-09 14:21:34 UTC  

(Translation: We're brits m8)

2019-12-09 14:21:40 UTC  

I never said "Germanicism", you retard

2019-12-09 14:21:53 UTC  

"Germanic Europeans."

2019-12-09 14:22:13 UTC  

ethnicity & culture = ideology

2019-12-09 14:22:17 UTC  

bravo, sperg

2019-12-09 14:22:17 UTC  

Do you think I'm oblivious to your mythological concepts?

2019-12-09 14:22:23 UTC  


2019-12-09 14:22:37 UTC  

I can't even say they are your own.

2019-12-09 14:23:12 UTC  

At least be original, rather than latching onto the ideology of a family member my immediate family went to war with.

2019-12-09 14:23:38 UTC  

Which European nations had the biggest hand in creating the US, and I'm talking demographically?

2019-12-09 14:24:23 UTC  

Although law could also be an interesting point