Message from @UnScottable

Discord ID: 653854907547516929

2019-12-10 06:20:43 UTC  


2019-12-10 06:36:16 UTC  

were the brazilian women too white?

2019-12-10 06:36:49 UTC  

ye and they werent from a country thats actively kicking white farmers off of their land... so... you know..

2019-12-10 06:39:48 UTC  

also why do you go into a miss universe pagent

2019-12-10 06:39:55 UTC  

and also think 'im not suppsoed to be beautiful'

2019-12-10 06:40:22 UTC  

like if i had a billion dollars and went to a billaires club and said 'im a humble billioniare sadface'

2019-12-10 06:40:42 UTC  

'people like me arent supposed to have a billion dollars :('

2019-12-10 06:42:41 UTC  


2019-12-10 06:42:41 UTC  

No nut ever.

2019-12-10 06:57:48 UTC  

Has anyone else here heard about this?

2019-12-10 06:58:47 UTC  

DSP would try doing a 24 hour stream

2019-12-10 07:00:24 UTC  
2019-12-10 07:00:57 UTC  

*38 Communists?*

2019-12-10 07:01:38 UTC  

im laughing at an image of the chilean air force in my head

2019-12-10 07:03:54 UTC  

googled it and this thing came up

2019-12-10 07:04:02 UTC

2019-12-10 07:04:05 UTC  

jesus, all its missing is a pair of wringing hands

2019-12-10 07:04:07 UTC  


2019-12-10 07:05:57 UTC  
2019-12-10 07:07:21 UTC  

i think its safe to say that hunter biden is on the naughty list this year <:trumpepe:588019356215279642>

2019-12-10 07:08:32 UTC  

Getting coal this year, the only rock he can't invest in or smoke

2019-12-10 07:09:04 UTC  

You certainly can invest in coal.

2019-12-10 07:09:27 UTC  

It was a very subtle nod to blackrock financial

2019-12-10 07:09:34 UTC  

Too high brow for dis crew

2019-12-10 07:09:51 UTC  

Is that the stock company founded by exclusively orcs?

2019-12-10 07:13:53 UTC  
2019-12-10 07:14:33 UTC  

Title: News / Politics
Fox ‘panders’ to Democrats, Trump complains, calling it 'pathetic'
Monday, 09 December 2019 9:12 PM [ Last Update: Monday, 09 December 2019 9:16 PM ]

2019-12-10 07:18:56 UTC  
2019-12-10 07:19:33 UTC  

i wonder why they would flee the socialist utopia <:thunk:462282216467333140>

2019-12-10 08:06:27 UTC

2019-12-10 08:06:32 UTC  

Reddit insider says that The_Donald will be banned by January 2020, along with these other subs.

2019-12-10 08:06:49 UTC  

I mod three of them (r/ShitNeoconsSay, r/TrueConservativism and r/TruePoliticalHumor)

2019-12-10 08:06:51 UTC  

Fuck Reddit

2019-12-10 08:36:56 UTC  

Imagine being so gay that moderating one sub is not enough for you

2019-12-10 09:03:55 UTC  

this appears to be classic ameridumb fear mongering

2019-12-10 09:04:35 UTC  

as apparently the pics are from a year ago