Message from @Monstrous Moonshine

Discord ID: 654607767977590824

2019-12-12 03:53:09 UTC  

Since nuclear power is really your most powerful form of power, pound for pound, and there's not much inbetween hydrogen and nuclear power to get there, converting nuclear power in to propulsion is really the big question

2019-12-12 03:53:32 UTC  

Two ways of storing energy higher than chemical energy can normally is kinetic energy, that is something traveling very faster and, heat, which is technically another form of kinetic energy

2019-12-12 03:54:01 UTC  

By boiling water, ammonia, hydrogen or something at insanely high tempatures, you can use that as a propellant to luanch things. If inside of a rocket itself, it would shoot it out at high speeds

2019-12-12 03:54:52 UTC  

Thus a thermal rocket, designed a lot like an air pressure rocket or, boiling water rocket, allows you to use nuclear fuel to heat water up, or ammonia or something else, and shoot it out at high speeds relative to it's mass, thus converting the nuclear energy in to something that would be useful for propulsion

2019-12-12 03:56:01 UTC  

pure elecricity is used in engines, like ion engines, in space, or plasma engines which are nearly pure electricity, buttttt, the problem is the thrust is insanely low. In space without the atmosphere and with no gravity a tiny amount of energy building up over time means a lot, which is why the fastest thing mankind ever created used an ion engine, but it has no thrust, so it can't take off in to space and get off the earth in the first place

2019-12-12 03:56:17 UTC  

You basically need to up the mass of the particles going out of the device, to get more momentum, to get more thrust

2019-12-12 03:57:19 UTC  

Boiling water at say, idk 67 million dollars, something say close to the tempature of lighting, would allow you to shoot out superheated water, which would turn in to plasma, outside the back of the vehicle, at insanely high speeds with high energy, with enough energy to get high thrust for it's weight, much higher than chemical energy, and still use nuclear power to do it

2019-12-12 03:57:40 UTC  

So therefore, our most powerful fuel source could be used, nuclear power, to get in to space, but in a useful way that doesn't irradiate stuff

2019-12-12 04:00:31 UTC  

So at 10 million degrees, a kilogram of water would store about 300 times the energy of hydrogen, and thus supplant hydrogen in terms of energy density for the propellant. By using nuclear power to do this, whether onboard the rocket, external to the rocket or a mix of both, you could then shoot the thing in to space by using the superheated exhuast in the same way a rocket normally does, by designing a thermal rocket

2019-12-12 04:02:36 UTC  

Whow holy shit

2019-12-12 04:02:45 UTC  

Funding was reapproved this year, in 2019

2019-12-12 04:02:48 UTC  

This may be the future

2019-12-12 04:05:09 UTC  
2019-12-12 04:05:23 UTC  


2019-12-12 04:38:03 UTC  

What in the fuck makes this nobody judge think he has more authority than the Supreme court

2019-12-12 04:38:12 UTC  

They already ruled on this

2019-12-12 04:46:47 UTC  

fucking activist judges man at it again

2019-12-12 05:04:06 UTC  

but lightning is too expensive. how can we be expected to heat up water to 67 million dollars?

2019-12-12 08:57:33 UTC  

> Tokyo ranked world's safest city for 3rd consecutive year by EIU

2019-12-12 08:57:45 UTC  

How is it possible that the most populous city in the world is so safe? Surely it can't be the biological essence of the Japanese or their homogeneity right? Isn't race a social construct and diversity a strength?

2019-12-12 09:24:31 UTC  

Poo poo pee pee funds

2019-12-12 09:26:38 UTC  

"Norway’s Cultural Council" spending their money on actual shit. Talk about irony.

2019-12-12 10:01:06 UTC  

There is actually a reason why they do this
There was an actual research that proved that the less people are disgusted by feces and urine, the more likely they are to vote liberal

2019-12-12 10:16:06 UTC  


2019-12-12 10:16:39 UTC  

Oh alright, now you're making sense 😄

2019-12-12 10:19:54 UTC  

yeah made a mistake

2019-12-12 10:49:48 UTC  

I just received this letter this morning I think it is quite interesting

2019-12-12 10:50:55 UTC  

Read the bottom one first

2019-12-12 11:10:43 UTC  

***but thats not what people asked for***

2019-12-12 11:13:00 UTC  


2019-12-12 11:13:06 UTC  

liberal democrat

2019-12-12 11:34:07 UTC  

Who wrote this? I can't decipher the signature

2019-12-12 11:35:25 UTC  


2019-12-12 11:35:29 UTC  

It's on the top of the first page

2019-12-12 11:37:19 UTC  

Oh, right

2019-12-12 11:37:47 UTC  

"liberal democrat" my ass <:Doubt:588038713938804760>

2019-12-12 12:01:44 UTC  

Based negro