Message from @Telly_G 『⚡130』PC |

Discord ID: 653172692043825212

2019-12-08 09:50:14 UTC  

Maybe she should try preaching to China, India, and the third world instead of the choir.

2019-12-08 09:50:43 UTC  

No, don't kill yourself, Greta

2019-12-08 09:50:50 UTC  

China meanwhile builds another 200 coal power plants

2019-12-08 09:50:52 UTC  

kill your parents

2019-12-08 09:50:59 UTC  


2019-12-08 09:51:36 UTC  


2019-12-08 09:51:45 UTC  

Greta has waifu potential, her parents have already outlived any positive contribution they could have made to the world.

2019-12-08 09:51:56 UTC  

big tiddy lugia is s tier

2019-12-08 09:52:11 UTC  

Its all big Gookism

2019-12-08 09:52:17 UTC  

*we need to fuck these pokemon*

2019-12-08 09:52:25 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche youd seriously propose an asthmatic autist to be waifu material? KYS dude

2019-12-08 09:52:28 UTC  

I just wanna fuck gardevoir

2019-12-08 09:52:31 UTC  

KYS, too

2019-12-08 09:52:56 UTC  

Waifu as in home slave

2019-12-08 09:53:18 UTC  

She would of course be sterilized before any sex is had.

2019-12-08 09:53:37 UTC  

Your gross gtfo
Even the dudes that want to frick a pokemon are less degen then your negro ass

2019-12-08 09:54:06 UTC  

Imagine thinking wanting to fuck a white person is less degen than wanting to fuck a black person or a non-person

2019-12-08 09:54:27 UTC  

Oooh yes i said FRICK

2019-12-08 09:57:15 UTC  

Actually, this is a really good question ... what is the mental capacity of the average *autistic* white person in comparison to the average black person?

2019-12-08 09:57:45 UTC  

its not the mental capacity

2019-12-08 09:58:31 UTC  

its easiest described like autistic people have a bad processor

2019-12-08 09:59:02 UTC  

And darkies don't?

2019-12-08 09:59:05 UTC  

Imagine being Tyche abd only wanting to fuck white people...ok Alabama Boomer

2019-12-08 09:59:33 UTC  

Youtube please stop recommending me this

2019-12-08 09:59:40 UTC  

do it

2019-12-08 09:59:43 UTC  

create a cult

2019-12-08 09:59:43 UTC  

Imagine being an anglo and living in a country with more than 0.1% negroes.

2019-12-08 10:00:08 UTC  

Thank god im not an inferior Anglo then <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-12-08 10:00:30 UTC  

Suck my tanned Mediterranean cock

2019-12-08 10:00:30 UTC  

You're not?
I'd have thought it given how cucked you seem to be.

2019-12-08 10:00:45 UTC  

step 3, create a movie titled "Cuck"

2019-12-08 10:00:50 UTC  

The original faggot or the post-faggot?

2019-12-08 10:01:08 UTC  

Greek or Italian is what I'm asking.

2019-12-08 10:01:17 UTC  

No im Iberian

2019-12-08 10:01:42 UTC  

We actullaly colonized and bred eith our subject native

2019-12-08 10:01:43 UTC  

Ah, the raped-by-mudslimes type of mediterranean

2019-12-08 10:02:15 UTC  

Ah the anglos, the raped by vikings and French type of Germans