Message from @Cryosite
Discord ID: 654877341012459530
trumps got all that money and he only got to look at 1
Has anyone seen the vote breakdown in Barnsley central? If the tories stood down BXP would have won it
fuck looks like lore is a pedo now
thats at least a year 8
I have a bed time :3
im considering giving myself one
rite im off to bed cu soon
My bed time is whenever I'm drunk enough to fall asleep without dreaming
Are you a nigger?
Who did the winning in the UK?
Yes, I am an elementary schooler @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
The last nigger to dream got assassinated.
@livid_scrooge I made you a bento box for school tomorrow. UwU
@livid_scrooge Damn, guess I can't smash
I'll just wait until you're legal
Thank you meat puppet
albeit they just give us bento boxes at school I think
Well hang on how many times were you held back, you could still be 18
@Cryosite shit, u rite
I'm 7
@ShimShamWhamBam I think he's only like 16-17
was that twink pic really @livid_scrooge ?
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck he's 17
@Tubby the Skelly Bones deadass?
@Ralin Storm It is
@livid_scrooge If you're old enough to meme...
Need to cell the child.
Yeah he's 17
@livid_scrooge who was it then?
I'm watching the election
@JackH670 Ok sorry for bothering you
@Tubby the Skelly Bones You got screencaps?
quick question - where do I find owen jones memes