Message from @Uksio

Discord ID: 656791736135188510

2019-12-18 09:27:31 UTC

2019-12-18 09:28:24 UTC  

Hero in the Streets...Senpai in the Sheets <:ahegao:462286952335671296>

2019-12-18 09:28:31 UTC  

I remember when being star wars nerd was kinda "ew, he is a virgin" thing

2019-12-18 09:28:40 UTC  


2019-12-18 09:28:52 UTC  

Uksio, let's just fuck already, the sexual tension is killing me

2019-12-18 09:29:06 UTC  

Then it became a bit cooler. Then mainstream. And now dysney owns it and it is genderswapped and feminist

2019-12-18 09:29:10 UTC

2019-12-18 09:29:42 UTC  

i heard captain marvel makes a cameo to congratulate rey for being bestest mary sue

2019-12-18 09:29:45 UTC  

I am glad I was never a fanboi of stare wares

2019-12-18 09:31:45 UTC  

I've been been a fanboy persay of anything

2019-12-18 09:31:55 UTC  

Nah i dont care about the Disney Trilogy. They arent the sequels to me. Its just Disney's thing imo.
Is it disheartening that Disney destroyed one of my all time franchises and universes...sure but it wont stop me from loving the classics and the things i love, which were never made by Disney

2019-12-18 09:32:17 UTC  

Star Wars dies with the prequels

2019-12-18 09:32:43 UTC  

hey guys diversity is great, we'll grow the economy! and don't worry about that pesky ethnic tension stuff, we'll just censor everyone and confiscate previously innocuous items that could potentially be used as weapons, so you'll be safe

2019-12-18 09:32:57 UTC

2019-12-18 09:33:32 UTC  

nharwals as pets has increased dramatically in UK

2019-12-18 09:33:51 UTC  

Uncreative uninspired cultural locust tries to piggyback off of existing franchises by ostracising the core fanbase

2019-12-18 09:34:02 UTC  

I wonder where it all went wrong?

2019-12-18 09:34:21 UTC  

Must be lack of available abortion services

2019-12-18 09:34:23 UTC  


2019-12-18 09:35:39 UTC  

You'll just have to chalk Star Wars, like Star Trek up to being a casualty of the culture war

2019-12-18 09:35:52 UTC  

Is it time for the ninth yet?

2019-12-18 09:36:07 UTC  

No? Soon my Brothers.

2019-12-18 09:36:09 UTC  

As for black people, stop importing people, kick out the cancerous ideology, and the problem will fix itself in it's own time

2019-12-18 09:36:10 UTC  


2019-12-18 09:36:11 UTC  
2019-12-18 09:37:49 UTC  

Rust cost moni now?

2019-12-18 09:41:59 UTC

2019-12-18 09:42:51 UTC  


2019-12-18 09:42:58 UTC  


2019-12-18 09:43:00 UTC  

Why are her thigh highs so reflective

2019-12-18 09:43:23 UTC  

Looks like over stuffed sausages

2019-12-18 09:43:43 UTC  

This nigga never heard of lingerie

2019-12-18 09:43:49 UTC  

what are they called? leg elbows?

2019-12-18 09:44:16 UTC  

It's called the good stuff sir @shadow of the sun

2019-12-18 09:44:18 UTC  

@SideTracker Never have i ever seen lingerie that shimmers like a latex condom

2019-12-18 09:44:26 UTC  

hot lelbows

2019-12-18 09:44:55 UTC  

@Son of Rome figures since youve never been around a woman

2019-12-18 09:45:00 UTC  

How sexy thighs can be gross?

2019-12-18 09:45:07 UTC  

I'm engaged... <:monKas:600448350315085825>

2019-12-18 09:45:10 UTC  

Oh you're a faggot Harry

2019-12-18 09:45:36 UTC