Message from @livid_scrooge

Discord ID: 656976579523510302

2019-12-18 21:38:55 UTC  

Remind me, who do they represent?

2019-12-18 21:39:24 UTC  

This guy:

2019-12-18 21:39:56 UTC  

@Aldomuz if you mean AfD they're right-wingers

2019-12-18 21:40:03 UTC  


2019-12-18 21:40:15 UTC  

@Ethreen42 You mean the NAZIS right?

2019-12-18 21:40:17 UTC

2019-12-18 21:40:25 UTC  

I thought they were politicians lol, not furries

2019-12-18 21:40:40 UTC  

@Aldomuz definitely furries

2019-12-18 21:40:49 UTC  

Yeah, that much is clear x)

2019-12-18 21:41:34 UTC  

Im glad you're clear on this

2019-12-18 21:42:01 UTC  

What about them though

2019-12-18 21:42:51 UTC  

Alternatif ***FUR*** Deutschland

2019-12-18 21:43:08 UTC  


2019-12-18 21:43:25 UTC  

*God why did I make that a reality just now*

2019-12-18 21:49:17 UTC  
2019-12-18 21:49:44 UTC  

I will settle with mega milk

2019-12-18 21:49:50 UTC  

@livid_scrooge You're asexual

2019-12-18 21:50:07 UTC  

Oh yea

2019-12-18 21:50:08 UTC  

you're not in any position to be commenting on the sexuality of others

2019-12-18 21:50:22 UTC  

I didn’t?

2019-12-18 21:50:46 UTC  

Yes you did, gaylord

2019-12-18 21:50:51 UTC  

`Human sexuality is the way people experience and express themselves sexually.`

2019-12-18 21:51:04 UTC

2019-12-18 21:51:22 UTC  

@livid_scrooge This is you commenting on sexuality.

2019-12-18 21:51:24 UTC

2019-12-18 21:51:43 UTC  

Are you retarded?

2019-12-18 21:51:47 UTC  
2019-12-18 21:51:57 UTC  
2019-12-18 21:52:08 UTC  

You asked me what I meant, and I gave you the definition

2019-12-18 21:52:12 UTC  

Being an incel doesn’t have any bearing on someone’s sexuality hahaha

2019-12-18 21:52:17 UTC  

You are so STUPID

2019-12-18 21:52:18 UTC  

by that standard, you were talking about sexuality

2019-12-18 21:52:22 UTC  

the furry raiders, foxler nightfire's dumb little group are not actually directly affiliated with the altfurs and Ive said it before but he's so politically illiterate that he didnt know what the armband resembled and made it part of his character while playing second life because it 'looked cool'

2019-12-18 21:52:25 UTC  

dumbass, I just provided a definition

2019-12-18 21:52:30 UTC  

sexuality refers to sexual expression

2019-12-18 21:52:36 UTC  

inceldom is a form of sexual expression, if you wanna get technical

2019-12-18 21:53:00 UTC  

Is incel a sexuality now, Lore, you complain baffoon?

2019-12-18 21:53:13 UTC  


2019-12-18 21:53:24 UTC  

being an incel is a deliberate self-moniker

2019-12-18 21:53:28 UTC  

`Human sexuality is the way people experience and express themselves sexually. `