Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 617084118462759032

2019-08-30 17:57:10 UTC  

Hot takes:

Jews aren't the worst thing on the planet

Communism will never work

Authoritarianism has always led to eventual revolution

Whether our planet is dying or not, we defienetely are and we need to do something against that

2019-08-30 17:57:41 UTC  

China is fucking gay

2019-08-30 17:58:06 UTC  

I haven't seen a single country oppress its people with such disgusting efficiency

2019-08-30 17:58:25 UTC  

China is a threat to Western society and America is an insult to western intellect

2019-08-30 18:08:55 UTC  

@Sven Brender elaborate on how authoritarianism has always led to eventual revolution

2019-08-30 18:09:31 UTC  

and if it is true, is that a result of authoritarianism?

2019-08-30 18:14:29 UTC  

Well. All authoritarian governments have eventually had revolts against them. You can see this throughout history with monarchies and even in modern times with dying monarchies and tyrannical states

2019-08-30 18:14:45 UTC  

it was often half due to the state and half due to its actions

2019-08-30 18:14:54 UTC  

the actions part mainly refers to war

2019-08-30 18:15:08 UTC  

Fanatic authoritarianism like fascism seems ludicrous to me.

2019-08-30 18:15:19 UTC  

It seems quite obvious that democracy functions well

2019-08-30 18:15:46 UTC  

It can lead to degeneracy and decadence, but it seems to serve the Volk much better than an authoritarian system.

2019-08-30 18:16:09 UTC  

I could see a one-party system with a parliament and election of leaders working

2019-08-30 18:16:15 UTC  

basically democracy without parties

2019-08-30 18:16:41 UTC  

I see that you are listed as national socialist, so I provide you a compromise.

2019-08-30 18:17:22 UTC  

If Adolf Hitler had divided power throughout a parliament of sorts, there would have been less tactical, strategic, and political mistakes.

2019-08-30 19:34:51 UTC  

wow! trc chat is not dead!

2019-08-30 19:35:00 UTC  


2019-08-30 19:44:33 UTC  

@10mm pistol Wow! You have a double digit IQ!

2019-08-30 19:51:57 UTC  

@Sven Brender
The best example, in my opinion, of dictatorship against democracy is Rome, as they did not have foreign nations that could challenge their power, as practically all dictatorships after did. They went from a period of constant infighting for power to centuries of peace and stability, until it would eventually succumb to the burden of immigration and the foreign, desert, non-European religion; Christianity.
In Democracy, there is constantly a fight for power which divides the nation, even if it is a one-party Democracy. A fight for power allows powerful outsiders to aid politicians in pursuit for power in return for political favor, which is exactly what is happening today, and is exactly why we are in the situation we are in. The voters, even if they are just men, are also easily persuaded by their sources of information like media, as that is all they know. This is again something which can be easily employed by powerful outsiders to form a narrative and subvert the people, and not something which can decisively be suppressed as power is divided.
Dictatorships, on the other hand, has one person who is in total control of the nation which is united under him, so that the resources of that nation can be put to the best use. He can take a mature and calm approach to all issues as he does not have to fight for power to make decisions. On the same note he can create stability in the nation, by suppressing subverters or people who seek power, and he can employ the full force of the nation as it is, of course, united and not divided.

2019-08-30 19:51:58 UTC  

Another thing that we have learned from military experiments is; when forces are lead by a committee, they are actually more likely to overreact, and they do not take responsibility. When, in the best case, the committee agrees on what action should be taken, they tended to snowball the situation and others to bandwagon on the ideas. And since there is no one man in charge, the blame can always be shrugged off and responsibility cannot be taken. This is in stark contrast to military research including a single person as leader, who can asses the situation and reason within himself to reach a mature and a more successful decision, and if it fails, he is the sole person to blame. Also, it is quite simply the way humans have evolved, we didn't use to have committees, just a tribal leader.
This is why i think a one-party dictatorship is superior.

2019-08-30 19:52:34 UTC  

I disagree that Hitler did anything wrong, other than the "Halt!" order

2019-08-30 20:29:24 UTC  

@Deleted User oh great

2019-08-30 20:29:25 UTC  

let me guess

2019-08-30 20:29:27 UTC  

your a pagan

2019-08-30 20:29:57 UTC  

@Riley agnostic

2019-08-30 20:30:06 UTC  

there is no higher power than nature

2019-08-30 20:30:11 UTC  

lmao @ 'idk'

2019-08-30 20:30:29 UTC  

go full atheist

2019-08-30 20:30:42 UTC  


2019-08-30 20:30:46 UTC  

i’m atheistic

2019-08-30 20:30:50 UTC  


2019-08-30 20:30:51 UTC  

i don’t believe in deities

2019-08-30 20:41:14 UTC  

Are you spiritual tho? @Deleted User

2019-08-30 20:41:29 UTC  


2019-08-30 20:41:44 UTC

2019-08-30 20:59:08 UTC  

spiritual gang rise up

2019-08-30 20:59:31 UTC  

@Deleted User i thought you were an atheist?

2019-08-30 21:00:56 UTC  

whenever i say i am, retards think that means i’m a “i fucking love science” guy

2019-08-30 21:01:21 UTC  

or abrahamics just ban me for heresy

2019-08-30 21:04:54 UTC  

nothing wrong with that!