Message from @Notso

Discord ID: 635291346239750167

2019-10-19 21:42:47 UTC  

The idea of a nation state is faulty as well often being nothing more than an arbitrary divider especially with larger nation states even in Europe

2019-10-19 22:10:44 UTC  

@AlexTheLad217 No, ur confusing "arbitrary" with "axioms"

2019-10-19 22:10:54 UTC  

You're assuming that axioms are arbitrary, when they are not

2019-10-19 22:12:21 UTC  

Its a basic axiom to acknowledge that we can deduce superiority of one language over the other if we agree that the trait which should be preferable in both languages, is ability to convey thoughts coherently and structurally for instance

2019-10-19 22:13:03 UTC  

But if you were to say that everything is arbitrary, ok? Why are you cherry picking which things to disregard if EVERYTHINg is arbitrary

2019-10-19 22:13:22 UTC  

Even anarchy is arbitrary since it insinuates disorder trumping order which is an axiom, and axiom under ur logic is arbitrary

2019-10-19 22:13:24 UTC  

Nice try jew

2019-10-19 22:14:27 UTC  

Also nation states arent dividers wtf, true nationalism at its hearth are UNIFIERS of their kind

2019-10-19 22:15:15 UTC  

The fact that one nation is isolationist and the other wants to invade it has nothing to do with nationalism, but rather the fact that that STATE wants to do that which is inherently anti nationalist (since by definition nationalism implies ethnic nationalism and isolationism)

2019-10-19 22:17:29 UTC  

also @everyone does anyone know Exiled's new discord account? he got banned again pls send me if you know it, or if u know a friend who has his new acc

2019-10-19 22:56:49 UTC  

How about requiring phone # to join?

2019-10-19 23:22:13 UTC  

I’m not confusing axiom with arbitrary I really do mean the word I use. With the language example there’s no characteristic of language that is better inherently better so my point is that nationalists that use it as a talking point are using arbitrary claims to superiority.

2019-10-19 23:26:04 UTC  

I really don’t understand what you’re getting at here. I gave some examples of things people use to define national groups when they’re poor descriptions when people can be culturally one group and speak the language of another and vice versa pointed out how ethnic groups are blurry. These aren’t the only things that define national identities but they’re the biggest so I pointed them out as bad descriptors among others. Your bit about anarchy has no connection to the conversation so whatever.

2019-10-19 23:28:58 UTC  

Nationalism is primarily used to say we are one people and not them, literally a divider. Saying your group is different than everyone else’s. Especially when dealing with previously mention blurry areas that don’t perfectly fall into one category as well as empowering/motivating some groups to attempt to assimilate others that don’t perfectly fit into a group.

2019-10-19 23:31:37 UTC  

Doesn’t have anything to do with what I was saying so whatever. Still ignores that hyper-nationalistic states often attempt to expand their borders to acquire resources.

2019-10-19 23:36:33 UTC  

“Nice try jew”

2019-10-19 23:36:41 UTC  


2019-10-20 01:25:06 UTC

2019-10-20 01:31:05 UTC  
2019-10-20 01:41:00 UTC  

Fuck paradox

2019-10-20 01:41:20 UTC  

They banning deus vult now

2019-10-20 02:20:05 UTC  

we barely know anything about it yet chill

2019-10-20 03:11:45 UTC  


2019-10-20 05:07:39 UTC  

oh boy
so we have: continuum fallacy, thinking that the arbitrariness of languages somehow invalidates distinction and valuation, ''the numbers of colours is arbitrary, purple doesnt exist!''

2019-10-20 05:08:09 UTC

2019-10-20 11:19:55 UTC  


2019-10-20 14:00:10 UTC  

imagine if a white person said the first thing for white people is to protect white people like your brother....and we should!!goyim gets shot without warning just for looking at a synagogue
rabbi's insane response as to why this is justified to shoot goyim on sight

2019-10-20 14:06:52 UTC  

“Let me point out a fallacy and then ignore how it’s still arbitrary to draw lines based on language when people mix in border regions and have language continums.”

2019-10-20 15:03:28 UTC  

are you ok? @AlexTheLad217

2019-10-20 15:09:23 UTC  

i didnt say that it wasnt arbitrary, i said that the arbitrariness has no bearing on it

2019-10-20 15:09:51 UTC  

and youve just made the same logically fallacious statement again

2019-10-20 16:15:12 UTC  

@AlexTheLad217 wow good job you just literally ignored everything i said

2019-10-20 16:20:08 UTC  

"just because its not objective its arbitrary"
Everything stems from a subjective axiomatic preference. Nationalism stems from a subjective axiomatic preference, to someoen who rejects the validity of the essence of that subjective axiomatic preference, it SEEMS arbitrary

My language example is PERFECTLY descriptory to what I just said

If me and you were to agree that what constitutes superiority in culture lets say, is family values lets say, we can objectively deduce that one culture is superior to others

You can say the same thing about nationalism, since if we were to say that intelligence, constitutes superiority, we can say that one ethnic group is superior to others etc (just an example)

"Nationalism is primarily used to say we are one people and not them, literally a divider" No, just because we acknowledge the fact that our kind is seperate and different from their kind, does not mean that i am making a statement that OUR KIND is superior to their kind, that is entirely different, you are confusing seperate concepts here bucko

"Still ignores that hyper-nationalistic states often attempt to expand their borders to acquire resources"

Again that is not a hyper nationalistic at all, I already gave you the definition of nationalism, and have already explained to you how that is seperate, nationalism is caring for your own people, it is NOT fucking over other people.

2019-10-20 16:22:02 UTC  

Regardless though, EVERY SINGLE "contention" you have with nationalism is applicable to every other ideology lol

2019-10-20 16:22:21 UTC  

every ideology stems from a subjective axiom, so its funny seeing you cherry pick where you disregard which ideology

2019-10-20 17:09:19 UTC  

@Deleted User I recognized that I make the continuum fallacy but my point isn't that you can't make distinctions between two groups it's that there's no clean and agreeable method to make a divide between them like modern borders of nation states. A lack of method that has often made nationalists to resort to violence and oppression in history to make a clean border while depriving those along the border the right to choose to have elements of both groups. This doesn't just apply to just languages either.

2019-10-20 17:21:08 UTC  

vagueness does not = invalidity

2019-10-20 17:22:07 UTC  

this is still continuum fallacy, just a different form

2019-10-20 17:23:28 UTC  

that argument about violence also boomerangs back at you horribly because internationalists are responsible for equally if not more deaths than nationalists