Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 635531169752023093

2019-10-20 16:15:12 UTC  

@AlexTheLad217 wow good job you just literally ignored everything i said

2019-10-20 16:20:08 UTC  

"just because its not objective its arbitrary"
Everything stems from a subjective axiomatic preference. Nationalism stems from a subjective axiomatic preference, to someoen who rejects the validity of the essence of that subjective axiomatic preference, it SEEMS arbitrary

My language example is PERFECTLY descriptory to what I just said

If me and you were to agree that what constitutes superiority in culture lets say, is family values lets say, we can objectively deduce that one culture is superior to others

You can say the same thing about nationalism, since if we were to say that intelligence, constitutes superiority, we can say that one ethnic group is superior to others etc (just an example)

"Nationalism is primarily used to say we are one people and not them, literally a divider" No, just because we acknowledge the fact that our kind is seperate and different from their kind, does not mean that i am making a statement that OUR KIND is superior to their kind, that is entirely different, you are confusing seperate concepts here bucko

"Still ignores that hyper-nationalistic states often attempt to expand their borders to acquire resources"

Again that is not a hyper nationalistic at all, I already gave you the definition of nationalism, and have already explained to you how that is seperate, nationalism is caring for your own people, it is NOT fucking over other people.

2019-10-20 16:22:02 UTC  

Regardless though, EVERY SINGLE "contention" you have with nationalism is applicable to every other ideology lol

2019-10-20 16:22:21 UTC  

every ideology stems from a subjective axiom, so its funny seeing you cherry pick where you disregard which ideology

2019-10-20 17:09:19 UTC  

@Deleted User I recognized that I make the continuum fallacy but my point isn't that you can't make distinctions between two groups it's that there's no clean and agreeable method to make a divide between them like modern borders of nation states. A lack of method that has often made nationalists to resort to violence and oppression in history to make a clean border while depriving those along the border the right to choose to have elements of both groups. This doesn't just apply to just languages either.

2019-10-20 17:21:08 UTC  

vagueness does not = invalidity

2019-10-20 17:22:07 UTC  

this is still continuum fallacy, just a different form

2019-10-20 17:23:28 UTC  

that argument about violence also boomerangs back at you horribly because internationalists are responsible for equally if not more deaths than nationalists

2019-10-20 17:23:57 UTC  

I know but it doesn't invalidate that the modern nation state doesn't fit perfectly with reality and so in my opinion it shouldn't be an ideal to strive for

2019-10-20 17:24:17 UTC  

it should be reformed as an idea to fit reality instead of trying to alter it

2019-10-20 17:24:36 UTC  

i agree to an extent
we should have true nations that are racial

2019-10-20 17:24:56 UTC  

pointing out that internationalists cause deaths doen't justify nationalist killing either

2019-10-20 17:25:04 UTC  

my concept of a nation is that it is both blood and soil

2019-10-20 17:25:42 UTC  

i wasnt justifying it, i was saying that it isnt really an argument against nationalism

2019-10-20 17:26:07 UTC  

that doesn't work for me because humans are semi-migratory and are quick to move

2019-10-20 17:26:19 UTC  

the soil part falls apart in reality

2019-10-20 17:26:47 UTC  

what's the difference from someone moving from one nation right across the border vs one person moving from one end of the country to the other

2019-10-20 17:27:55 UTC  

it relies on the borders of a nation state which are based on vague groupings of language, culture, ethnicity, etc

2019-10-20 17:28:42 UTC  

not to mention others have lived there before you so unless you're 100% right of conquest I don't see how you can justify barring others claim to the land as well

2019-10-20 17:31:24 UTC  

land is held by force, this is simply reality
in the case of migration, there is a continuum between ethnicities and nationalities however this does not preclude the observation of typological differences between cultures and nations

2019-10-20 17:33:58 UTC  

im not arguing for a deracinated form of the nation state, my conception is that the nation is the people and the nation state is simply a physical manifestation of their will and power, i support racial revanchism

2019-10-20 17:39:24 UTC  

racial revanchism? like repatriating people or some eugenics?

2019-10-20 17:46:42 UTC  

similar to lebensraum @AlexTheLad217

2019-10-20 18:16:35 UTC  

agggh agghh#

2019-10-20 18:16:39 UTC  

fuck women

2019-10-20 18:32:57 UTC  

yeah ikr wommen are so trash for not wanting to be with me

2019-10-20 18:33:43 UTC  


2019-10-20 18:34:00 UTC  

shut up you god damn sjw

2019-10-20 18:34:17 UTC  

woman are hate

2019-10-20 18:34:20 UTC  

women suck because they always leave me and they're so inferior like just go to the kitchen lmao

2019-10-20 18:34:27 UTC  

oppose troof

2019-10-20 18:34:38 UTC  

i am the height of the aryan race

2019-10-20 18:34:48 UTC  

Don't mind my 400 kgs of weight

2019-10-20 18:35:00 UTC  

endsieg leader?

2019-10-20 18:35:05 UTC  

i wrote endsieg

2019-10-20 18:35:12 UTC  


2019-10-20 18:35:18 UTC  

I wrote the writer that wrote the idea of writing endsieg

2019-10-20 18:35:38 UTC  

he is god, wotan aryan wiking nigga

2019-10-20 18:35:54 UTC  

I am the best and women are poop

2019-10-20 18:35:57 UTC  

hitlers dad

2019-10-20 18:36:01 UTC  
