Message from @Asdrubal

Discord ID: 635656271328182289

2019-10-20 18:38:32 UTC  

and women dont have feelings anyway so lol who cares

2019-10-20 18:39:29 UTC  

most woman cum from rape

2019-10-20 18:39:39 UTC  

they like it unironically

2019-10-20 18:39:46 UTC  

yeah ikr

2019-10-20 18:39:48 UTC  

they crave rape

2019-10-20 18:40:13 UTC  

that removes all the fun

2019-10-20 18:40:29 UTC  

the state should provide a wife to every man

2019-10-20 18:40:51 UTC  

And the womans should have no civil or political freedoms whatsoever

2019-10-20 18:42:38 UTC  

provide femboys aswell for homofash niggas

2019-10-20 18:43:06 UTC  

femboys and transgender catgirls have only the right to coom

2019-10-20 19:38:06 UTC  
2019-10-20 19:59:24 UTC  

Good game

2019-10-20 20:00:28 UTC  

I am undefeated in discord challenges

2019-10-20 20:00:32 UTC  


2019-10-20 20:02:14 UTC  

I once heard the phrase
“Equality is a dangerous illusion.”

2019-10-20 20:04:40 UTC

2019-10-20 20:04:42 UTC  


2019-10-20 22:30:02 UTC  


2019-10-21 00:30:03 UTC  

@GlobalDelete @Deleted User Warning. Endorsing violence.

2019-10-21 01:50:55 UTC  

Banned for monocle posting

2019-10-21 01:51:05 UTC  

Such a sad world we live in today

2019-10-21 02:21:59 UTC  

@DrRisen why is anti-Ukrainian sentiment in particular outright ban-able?

2019-10-21 02:29:14 UTC  

@Major Wexley Welcome to the server.

2019-10-21 02:29:24 UTC  


2019-10-21 02:29:34 UTC  

@AlexTheLad217 Server owner has strong feelings towards Ukraine.

2019-10-21 02:29:44 UTC  

So, a lefty?

2019-10-21 02:29:49 UTC  
2019-10-21 02:30:07 UTC  

I try to stay as much in the middle as possible

2019-10-21 02:30:11 UTC  

if you are geniunely anti-ukraine then you are a mega kike

2019-10-21 02:30:34 UTC  

It’s good to have company. @Major Wexley I’m the token liberal of the server.

2019-10-21 02:30:44 UTC  


2019-10-21 02:41:04 UTC  

Fr though it’s a shame I haven’t taken the time to look into the scarlet revolution in Ukraine more

2019-10-21 02:41:28 UTC  

The 2014 revolution was called that right or am I thinking of something else?

2019-10-21 03:05:42 UTC  

russia is a stronghold of international judaism

2019-10-21 10:22:16 UTC  

i think you mean the Euromaidan @AlexTheLad217

2019-10-21 10:23:32 UTC  

That’s right

2019-10-21 10:24:43 UTC  

It’s such a stupid name imo sounds like a 80’s hair rock band

2019-10-21 12:05:15 UTC  

@Deleted User how would your racial revanchism function so to say? Would you support ethnic cleansing or more passive incentives to provide a Lebensraum? Also bare with me it’s been a while since I’ve even read about just what nazi ideas where on Lebensraum.

2019-10-21 12:21:29 UTC  

It’s really not tho

2019-10-21 13:18:44 UTC  

@DrRisen All of it was satire if you didn't notice

2019-10-21 13:55:44 UTC  

i would want to reunite the ethnic diaspora and past imperial territories of my nation to the greatest possible extent @AlexTheLad217